79- A Simple Job [Part-1].

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Screen opens to Traya sitting outside of the Cave Sin on a rock. The screen then changes to inside a Temple is large and open it make anyone feel small. There statues of slaves holding a flaming pot while kneeling and other once showing the suffering of Lust. The Lust Twins are at there thrown. Tanis is chained up being held by Davis while Freya runs her hands across her skin Ethan covered in vines at the foot of the steps before the thrown. Ethan eyes are black and dark red. He's in his Warlock Armor and trying to force his way out of the vines enraged. Tanis is wearing a high class slave bikini that are made of gold and collar with a Dark Green Ruby in middle of the collar along with wrist and leg chains. 

Tanis [Crying]- AH! Let me go! Brother help me!

Freya- Come on Ethan save you little sister before we have some fun with her. Ha Ha.

Ethan- Let her go!

Freya grabs Tanis face tight but before she could do anything else Ethan repulses the vines off him.  And manages to speed blitzes Freya cutting her head off before she could pull out her whip. Davis managed to yank his sword out but Ethan blast him into a giant pillar and it collapse on him burying him. Ethan cuts Tanis free with one simple strike.

Ethan-  Are you alright Tanis.

Tanis hugs Ethan crying.

Tanis- Thank you brother. They said they were going to do horrible things with me.

Ethan hugs Tanis back.

Ethan- It's ok sis. Your safe now.

That when a small knife slides out of Tanis wrist chain and she stabs Ethan in his back shoulder this surprise Ethan who push Tanis away with a telekinesis blast but she managed to remain up right. And evilly smile at Ethan while holding the small knife covered in blood. Her eyes are the eyes of Freya.

Ethan- Uh!! Freya! You ungrateful slut! What did you do to Tanis!?]

Tanis body burn away and took shape of Freya.

Freya- Ha Ha. Sorry but she was never here. You now your so easy to fool. Just took Tanis crying for her big brother to come running to save her. Ha Ha. It quit pathetic of you. 

Ethan- Grr! Die Slut! Black Lightning Strike!

Ethan wound burn heal as he charges at Freya as black lightning run through his dark red blade. However Davis smash free from the pillar debris. And manages to get behind Ethan and smash him into the ground in his muscle form. While Freya pulls out her whip that burns Black and Dark Pink as she takes a swing at Ethan. 

Davis- You wont harm my dear sister! Lust Earth Slam!

Ethan [Thoughts]- Dam it. I fell for there trap I can only focus on one of there attacks. HU!!

Winnie- Werewolf Magma Dash!!

Davis- AHHHHH!!!

But before Davis could hit Ethan Winnie drops down from the sealing and Magma Dash into Davis slamming him into the ground he screams in pain. While her hand slams through his chest.

Winnie- That for Tanis muscle boy! Clobber her Ethan!

Ethan- Sure thing Master.

Freya- You pathetic mutt! GRR! Lustful Whip Strike!! UH!? What?! 

Ethan wraps the whip around his sword and pulls Freya whip from her hand she panics as he get closer to her. As Ethan focus the black lightning through his hand.

Freya- No! Stay away! Lust Poison Blast!

Freya back up and trips falling on the ground in a panic. She quickly forms Dark Pink powder in her hands and launches at Ethan. It hits Ethan his body vain turn a sick pink and his body stops a few feet away from her.

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