53. Warlock VS Werewolf.

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Screen opens to Ms. Grim and the rest of the Monster Girls arriving back at school with some bags Winnie not with them. It's sunset outside with a gold breeze through the air.

Phara [Happy]- WOO HOO! Finally back from the Monster Realm!

Tanis- Ha. Ya it was fun to get some new book.

Elean- That I can agree with Tanis.

Miss. Grim- Now girls go get ready for bed we have class early in the morning.

Monster Girls- Yes Miss. Grim.

Miss. Grim- And Tanis go check on Ethan and Winnie. There probably lost track of time again in the Alchemy World. 

Tanis- Of course Miss. Grim.

Phara- Ha Ha. Wait up Tanis. I want to tag along.

As the girls make there way up the stairs.

Sibella [Thoughts]- Honestly Winnie risking her Werewolf Spirit controlling her if she doesn't take her potion. HU!?

Elean- Hey Sibella what do think tomorrow class will be about? Um? Sibella you alright.

Sibella see Winnie room door open and walks over with Elean behind her.

As they look into the room Winnie lab was destroyed along with her room.

Elean- Wo. What happened here? Do you think Winnie Werewolf Spirit came in.

Sibella- No these are spider webs.

Tanis runs in followed by Phara.

Tanis- There not in the Alchemy World! 

Phara-  Ha Ha Ha. Ya. Where did you think they go?

Tanis [Worried]- Do you think there in danger!

Sibella- Perhaps but it would seem we have some unwanted guest here so that's going to have to wait a second dear.

That when an Iron-Spider jumps out from covers on the floor trying to sneak attack Sibella. But Sibella blast the Iron-Spider vaporizing it to ash. That when multiple Iron-Spider started to gather around the school.

Phara- Ha Ha Ha. Nice attack Bella. 

Sibella- Now's not the time Phara. Everyone prepare for battle.

As they activate there weapons screen changes to Jester room. Jester still looking through her cracked crystal ball.

Clover- Ha Ha Ha! I better not put the rest of my pets to waste then. And besides I get a good laough out of my Little Warlock beat up that ungrateful Mutt of a Werewolf. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

Jester crystal ball changes to Ethan and Winnie still in the Magic Circle glairing at each other. As a storm forms in the sky above them. The screen pulls into the crystal ball.

Winnie- Ethan this is stupid! Drop the Magic Circle now Ethie. 

Ethan- Not until you stop hiding things from me and talk. What's the Werewolf Curse you have. And why didn't any of you girls tell me about Revolya regaining her powers.

Winnie-  I can't tell about the Werewolf Curse. But I agree with you on that we should have told you about Revolta finding a way to remove her Sin Seal. Wait? How did you find out about that.

Ethan- My Cousin told me. Look Winnie I'm worried about you. And I'm not going to lower the Magic Circle until you tell me what's a Werewolf Spirit is.

Winnie [Mad]- GRR!

Werewolf Spirit [Thoughts]- Tell him. He is our future Mate you have to.

Winnie [Thoughts]- No means no! Would you shut up for once!

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