56. Hidden Truths [Parts-1].

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Screen opens up to Sibella room where all the Monster Girls have gathered around in a circle. Elean looked inpatient while Sibella was calm. While Phara and Tanis look concerned. And Winnie didn't make eye contact with anyone.

Elean- Alright Winnie and Sibella tell me why I shouldn't inform the Werewolf Conceal about Winnie Mate.

Sibella- That simple. You don't tell the cancel Winnie will grant your family there freedom from slavery when she become Luna.

Elean- Come now Bella you know Winnie unlikely be chosen to lead her pack 

Sibella- Not yet. But in do time she will be. Look Elean this is an opportunity for all of us to get what we want out of this. 

Elean- How so?

Sibella- For example Winnie wants Ethan to remain free and not be forced into her pack. And for me I can regain my family territory in the Monster Realm.

Elean- What about Phara and Tanis. What do they want out of this.

Tanis- Ethan and Helen are the closes things I've had to a family since I was sealed away. I don't want to see ither of them hurt or separated.

Phara- Ha Ha. Neither do I. There great friends. And beside I heard what horrible things they do to there human Mates.

Elean- And if I do tell them what would happen.

Sibella- Well first you would lose trust between the entire class along with the Rangers considering Nova his Cousin. This would put us at odds with the Magic Courts along with your family will never be free from there chains and remain slaves.

Elean- How do I know she will keep her word. Right Winnie.

Elean walked over and looked down at Winnie. Who didn't make eye contact with her.

Elean- Ha. I thought so. 

As Elean was walking away.

Winnie [Whisper]- I will.

Elean- What was that?

Winnie stood up and look Elean in the eyes.

Winnie- I promise I will free your family once I become Luna.

Elean look Winnie in her eyes that where full a fire. Winnie puts there hands out to shake her hand. Elean grips Winnie hand tight and shakes it.

Elean- For yours and Ethan shake. I hope so.

Elean Magic Seal appears on Winnie hand and then disappears when Elean let go.

Sibella- Very good. Where all in agreement. Now we can focus on what to tell Ethan about the Werewolf Spirit.

Winnie- Don't worry I'll deal with Ethan. 

Sibella- Are you sure Winnie. We don't now how well your seal will hold. 

Phara- Ha Ha Ha. She is right Winnie I'll tag along to help you.

Tanis- I will to.

Sibella- Sorry Tanis you have training with Miss. Grim today. With us.

Tanis- Ow right sorry Winnie and Phara.

Phara- Ha Ha. It's ok Tanis I got this under control.

Winnie- Ha. Ya Tanis where be alright.

Tanis- You better be. Because if you eat my brother I'm going to turn you into a Mummy Werewolf.

Tanis tryed to look tuff but came off as a kid. Which didn't scare Winnie.

Winnie- No reason for threaten me Tanis. I got this under control. So see you latter tonight!

Winnie took off with Phara not far behind.

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