26. Monsters Initiation [Part.3].

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Screen opens with Tanis running through Muddy Creeks grave yard still tired and drained of her Aura.

Tanis [Thoughts and Worried]. Come on Tanis were almost there. Hang on Ethan.

Ethan [Pain]. Uh! Tanis. Please help me.

Tanis looks over and see's Ethan leaning against a giant grave stone badly hurt. But his eyes are Black and Dark Blue.

Tanis [Worried the Realized]. Ethie!? . .Uh!! Wait your not him.

Ethan [Cough up Blood]. Ha Ha Ha. . Cough Cough! Your always to aware for your own good Tanis.

Ethan body shape burned away revealing Phara badly injured. Tanis runs away as Phara pulls out her scalpel sword and skips after Tanis.

Phara. You can't hide Tanis. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Screen changes to Ethan floating in darkness.

Ethan. So this is what it like to die.

Kalen. Your not dead descendent.

Kalen appears in his pyramid form.

Ethan. Kalen!? How did you get here?

Kalen. Simple your so called monster friends created this world to test you and Tanis.

Ethan. What!? Why and how do you know this.

Kalen. I managed to sense there Aura running through the Magic Circle. I'm sorry I didn't sense it before.

Ethan. It's alright but why am I still here. Shouldn't I've been resurrected after I killed Phara.

Kalen. Unfortunately Phara managed to brake through you phase seal. And survive but she's very weak.

Ethan. Ow no Tanis. Is she alright.

Kalen. I'm afraid she being hunted by Phara.

Ethan. There must be something we can do.

Kalen. I'm sorry Ethan until Phara or Tanis die your trapped here.

Ethan [Mad]. Dame it. Please don't die Tanis.

Screen changes back to the three robed figures.

?????. This has gone on long enough we should end this game know.

?????. No. Tanis still have a chance to win.

?????. Are you kidding she as no Aura left. She wont live more then five seconds if she fights her.

?????. That enough from you two. The battle will continue. Also we've baby her for to long. This is just a reality check for her.

?????. Uh! Fine but if headmistress finds out about this.

?????. I'll take the responsibility for this. Know let continue our observation.

Screen changes back to Tanis who has both her sword out she hiding behind a tomb stone. She's bleeding from her bandages.

Tanis [Thoughts]. Come on think. There has to be a way out of here. Ow no I'm bleeding again. Uh!?

Tanis dives down avoiding Phara sword strike cutting the tomb stone in two. Tanis got back up and defended against Phara sword strikes.  Until she get close and punch Tanis in her chest.

Phara. Funeral Ice Punch!!

The punch slams Tanis into a tomb stone. And were Phara punched her ice began consuming her body.

Phara. Ha Ha. That it Tanis just give up. You were never going to save anyone.

Tanis [Thoughts]. I'm sorry Ethie I can't do anything right. Please forgive me.

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