69. True Alpha Wrath [Part-2].

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Screen opens to Ethan in True Alpha armor walking around looking for the exit to the Alchemy World. 

True Alpha- GRRR! AWOOOOOO! Where is the exit to this place?

Screen changes to inside Alpha Armor prison where Ethan is still chained up to a dead tree with wooden spikes keeping him in place. 

Ethan [Thoughts]- Come why can't I brake free? All that training with Miss Grim was for nothing.

Pride- I don't believe so Warlock.

Ethan- Hu!? Pride what are you doing here?

Pride- It's not your training but how you use your Aura.

Ethan- What do you mean and why are you helping me?

Pride- I mean you need to focus. True Alpha Aura is stronger then yours. So you must focus and find a flaw with in his seal in order to brake free. As for why I'm helping is because I'm hopping to fight you again.

Ethan- Why do you want to fight me again.

Pride- Because it's been a long time since I've had met someone with great potential as you. But now focus unless you want him to escape and kill your friends.

Ethan [Thoughts]- UH! He's right. I can't allow him to hurt my friends.

Ethan close his eyes and began to focus as the screen changes to True Alpha cutting down a tree and finds the exit inside the forest.

True Alpha- Ah. Finally the exit.

As Alpha ran towards the exit disappeared and a Magic Circle appears around True Alpha. This surprised Alpha.

True Alpha [Thoughts]- What!? A trap! What!?

True Alpha jumps back and escapes the Magic Circle. But he's punched back in the circle by Elean who dashes out of the tree's. The punch is charged with Dark Blue Lightning.

Elean- Lightning Rod Punch!!

When True Alpha inside the Magic Circle it has gold chains that yanks True Alpha to the ground.

Phara- Ha Ha Ha. Nice punch Elean.

Sibella, Winnie, and Phara drops down from the tree tops joining Elean.

Elean- Thanks Phara.

Sibella- Come now you two there no time for complements. We need to free Ethan from True Alpha control before.

But before Sibella could finish her sentence True Alpha uses a Black and Dark Red Telekinesis Repulse braking free,

True Alpha- AWOOOOO!! If you think a weak holly seal and chains will stop me your wrong. Now prepare for a painful death.

True Alpha pulls out his sword and activate it. The blade burn Dark Red with Black cracks it burns bright even being dark. The girls pulled out and activated there swords.

Winnie- You just have to say that Bella!

Sibella- Now's not the time for this Winnie.

That when True Alpha manages to dash next to Sibella she was almost unable to dodge the sword strike. The impact launches Sibella away but she manages to remain up right sliding backwards. The other girls try to strike True Alpha who jumps dodge and power strike there attacks away. Screen changes to Miss Grim and Tanis near the exit to the Alchemy World. There meditating next to each other. Tanis looks stressed and scared.

Tanis- Why?

Miss Grim opens her eyes and look at Tanis who shivering in fear.

Tanis- Why Ethan.

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