39. Werewolf Leverage [Halloween SPECIAL].

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Screen open to Ethan waking up seeing Tanis healing him with her hands on his chest.

Ethan [Pain and Worried]. Uh! Is everyone alright?

As Ethan stands up Tanis hugs him. 

Tanis [Crying]. Thank the gods your alright.

Ethan hugged Tanis  and look around Gunter and Phara are sitting down holding each other. While Nova lean against a tree. Winnie ears twitch and gets up and walks over to Ethan.

Nova. Ya were all right Cousin.

Winnie. Hey Ethie! Thanks for standing up to my father. He can be hard headed sometimes. But he always come around.

Ethan. No problem Winnie.

Gunter. Well we all better head back to Ms. Grim School. It's almost time that the parents will arrive.

Phara. Ha Ha. Ya let's all go and give them another great greeting. Ha Ha.

Ethan. Ha. I agree we showed them what we can do. So we have nothing else to fear.

Winnie. That we know of Apprentice.

As they start to leave the screen changes to Eleanor and Emma recording them from the bushes. Eleanor is recording them with her phone.

Eleanor. Finally we got evidence they've been causing trouble.

Emma. Well that's good sis. Can we go. This place creeps me out.

Eleanor. Yes. This is more then enough. UH!? My phone!

That when Eleanor phone yanked out of her hands and is grabbed by Nubia who crushes it.

Nubia. I thought I told you human filth to stay away from here.

Emma looked on in horror seeing what Nubia did.

Eleanor [Mad]. You ungrateful mut that was expensive!

Nubia. I'll show you mut.

But before Nubia could lift her hand Jason steps in the way blocking her.

Jason. That's enough Nubia you understand.

Nubia [Mad]. Yes Alpha.

Jason. As for you two I'm terribly sorry about my Cousin destroying your phone. This should cover it properly.

Jason pulls out a small gold bar. And hands it to Eleanor was mad.

Eleanor. I doubt this small gold bar could pay for my phone.

Jason. It's priced around $2,000 Dollars. It should cover everything. So good night to you two. Come know Nubia. Let's take our leave.

Nubia. Yes Alpha.

They disappeared into the dark forest fog.

Emma [Scared]. They just disappeared. Let's get out of here sis. Uh!

Eleanor [Thoughts]. Hm such a weird gold coin.

Emma. Sis! Come on before something else jumps out of the fog.

Eleanor. Uh for once could you not be scared of everything.

Wolf Howl. AWOOOOOO!

Eleanor [Scared]. Alright were leaving. 

Eleanor takes of with Emma not far behind. 

Wolf Growl. GRRRRRRR!!

Emma. Hey big sis wait up!

Screen pulls back showing Nubia making those noises.

Nubia. Ha got what they deserve.

Jason. Know since your done playing around we have an open house to go to.

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