23. Scare Contest. [Part.2].

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Screen opens to Ethan room as he goes through some old comics of Mummy's. While Winnie laying on Ethan bed looking over a horror comic called [Hell-Gate VS The Great Hunt] and Tanis sits waiting for Ethan in knee Meditation. There's a note saying Helen left to get somethings for dinner will be back ltter.

Ethan. So you want me to make Tanis scarry. So she can scare the mayor's daughters. For picking on her.

Winnie. Yep. You got it Ethie.

Ethan. And my mom and the mayor approved us pulling some harmless pranks on them.

Tanis. Ya. She talked to there father. And he agreed to get even with them.

Ethan. Ha. Well that good for us right.

Winnie notice Ethan gun safe. As Tanis gets up and go see what's inside Ethan animal tank.

Winnie. You know it. Hm. You like guns Ethan.

Ethan. Ow yes. I've do some shooting when I can. 

Tanis. Hey Ethan what's inside the tank.

Ethan. Well that's my pet spider Marry.

A Chilean Rose spider crawls out from a wooden log.

Tanis. Can I hold her.

Ethan. Uh!? Sure just be carful she scares easy and bites.

Tanis. Don't worry I'll be carful.

The spider easily crawls on Tans hand and she pets it.

Ethan. Hm. Alright I got what we need. All we have to do is make a quick stop at the Comic shop.

Winnie. Uh!? Why do we need to stop there?

Tanis. Ya why?

Ethan. They have a costume section and make up for cheap. So lets go we have a lot to do.

Screen changes to comic shop with them entering the Comic Shop [ Called. Hobby's and Comics].

Clank [Comic store owner]. Ow welcome back Ethan. Your comic hasn't come in yet.

Ethan. Thanks Clank. But I'm here for some costumes and makeup.

Clank notice Winnie and Tanis.

Clank. Hm. Well help yourself. Just pay for what you like ok.

Ethan. Sure thing.

Screen changes to the costume room. As Ethan and Winnie grab clothes and makeup for Tanis.

Ethan. Alright Tanis you'll need this.

Tanis[ Surprised]. Um ok thanks.

Winnie. Ow this will be good for you.

Tanis [Worried]. Hey!? Easy there guys.

Before long Tanis could almost not lift the pile of stuff they grabbed for here.

Ethan. Alright that's should be it Tanis. 

Winnie. Yep! Ready to become scary.

Tanis feet loses there grip and she falls to the ground the clothes landing on her but. Being covered in clothes and makeup supply's.

Tanis. UHF! . .Uh! You bet I am.

Ethan. Whoops! Sorry.

Tanis. It's alright I know you two got a bit carried away.

As Ethan helps Tanis up.

Winnie. Ok. I'll help Tanis change you wait out here Ethan.

Ethan. Uh. Are you sure Winnie. Your not good with makeup.

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