57. Hidden Truths [Part-2].

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Screen opens to Winnie and Ethan who's just getting back on his feet after seeing Winnie loses control to her Werewolf Spirit. While Plant-Doon looks unimpressed.

Winnie- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! AWOOOOOOOO!!

Ethan [Thoughts]- Ow this is not good.

Plant-Doon- Ha Ha. I see now. So your Winnie's Werewolf Spirit.

Winnie- GRR! You bet. And don't worry my Ethie I wont hurt you yet.

Plant-Doon- Well then I should have killed your little slave quicker then. Ha Ha Ha Ha. UHF!

Winnie manages to launch Plant-Doon away with Fire and Wind Telekinesis Blast. Cutting up her body but no blood coming out of her wounds. Plant-Doon manages to land on her feet as Winnie began charging at her. Ethan not far behind.

Ethan- Winnie wait!

Winnie- Your good as dead ya old hag!

Ethan manages to catch up to Winnie and yanks here down as Plant-Doon turn her staff into a large [Dark Purple] Plasma Blade and swung at Winnie. They both jump to the side to dodge another blade swing.

Ethan- Are you really that stupid to charge in with out me.

Winnie- Shut up. It's my job to keep you safe and turn you into a Werewolf! Wo!

Winnie dodges Plant-Doo Fire balls and then changed to lightning that Winnie gets hit by but tanks the hit.

Ethan- You can't beat her alone. Werewolf Spirit or not. Now let me help.

Winnie- GRR! Fine. But your mine when this is over!

Ethan attacked Plant-Doon who blocked Ethan sword strikes with here wooden staff cane. Winnie joined in. Screen changes to Phara who dodging and fighting two golems dodging there fire balls and the golem attacks with there fists.

Phara [Thoughts]- Dam it Winnie. How could you lose control this fast. AH!!?

One of the Fire Golems grab Phara and began to crush her. A Magic Seal appears on the golem hands.

Phara [Thoughts]- Ow no I can't phase through it. AHHHHHHHHH!!! GRRR! Ice Storm Repulse!!

Phara manages to stagger both the golem that caused them to let them go.

Phara [Thoughts]- Alright It's time to end this.

Phara- Graveyard Ice Slam!!

Phara slams into the ground and freezes the golems killing them as they try to grab Phara again. The two golems began brake apart as Phara collapse to the ground in pain. 

Phara [Thoughts]- Ha Ha Ha. Look like I got the last burn UH!? Uh. I think I over did it.

Screen changes back to Ethan and Winnie who manages to brake Plant-Doon staff with a combine attack.

Ethan- Warlock Lightning Strike!

Winnie- Werewolf Magma Claw strike!

Plant-Doon- AHHH! You two ask for it now! Shadow Vine Trap!

Plant-Doon traps Ethan and Winnie behind black plant vines holding them in place.

Ethan-What the!?

Winnie- Dam you!!

Winnie blasts away the plant vines as her entire body began to burn with Magma.

Winnie- Ha Ha Ha. Nice try you overgrown weed but now it's my turn. And Ethie don't worry I'll save you in a second.

Winnie [Thoughts]- Don't you dare lay a finger on him.

Werewolf Spirit [Thoughts]- Sorry Winnie but I'm in control. And I will turn Ethan into a Werewolf. Weather you want it or not.

Winnie charges at Plant-Doon who allowed her Dark Purple Fire consume her and charged at Winnie.

Winnie- Werewolf Magma charge!!

Plant-Doon- Magic Flame Dance! AHHHHHHHH!

Winnie manages to over come Plant-Doon and reduce her to ash. Then she walks over to Ethan who's still trapped in Plant-Doon vines.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Ow great. Stupid Aura absorbing vines.

Winnie [Thoughts]- No. Stop ,leave him alone!

Werewolf Spirit [Thought]- Not a chance. AWOOOOOO!

Screen changes to small inside room where Envy slams her hand against the table cracking it. Her body covered in shadows. While holding a small crystal ball.

Envy- Stupid old women. I knew I should have sent someone else with her. Hu!? What is this.

Envy looks back at her crystal ball and see's Winnie approaching a trapped Ethan.

Envy-  Ha. So the Werewolf has chosen your little boy Helen as a Mate. This should be interesting to watch.

Screen pulls into the crystal ball as Winnie yanks Ethan close to her.

Winnie- Don't worry this wont hurt much.

As Winnie goes to bite Ethan he repulse Winnie away and brakes free from the vines.

Ethan- Sorry Werewolf Spirit. But I'm not becoming a Werewolf ever.

Winnie hops on her feet and evilly smiles at Ethan.

Winnie- Ow Ethie. You have no choice. AWOOOOOO!

Winnie was getting ready to leap at Ethan but Phara come levitating in. She moves at fast speed and slams into Winnie. Phara looks like an Ice Phantom body covered with snow and has no face features and only has eyes.

Phara- Ice Phantom Possession!!

Winnie-AHHHH! No I wont allow you to stop me when I'm so close. AWOOOOOO!!

Winnie body covered in ice and the seal on the shoulder burns bright as her eyes return to normal.

Winnie- Uh. Thanks Phara I thought Ethan was a goner.

Phara phased out of Winnie and collapsed onto the ground she was passed out. Winnie manages to ,milt the ice around her. As Ethan ran over to check on Phara. Phara back to normal.

Ethan [Worried]- Phara!? Is she alright.

Winnie- Ya. She's just  drained. Sorry about that Ethan. I should have tested the seal out more before fighting.

Ethan- It's alright Winnie. Let's focus on getting you two to the hospital first. Then we can talk.

Ethan and Winnie work together to lift up Phara. While screen moves over to Eleanor and Emma watching them from a far away tree. Snow began to fall again. 

Emma- Ok sis I think that's enough evidence to go after Ethan.

Eleanor- Not really little sis. We need an image of his face if where going to try anything. So we might need to keep a closer eyes on him and the Monster Girls.

Emma- UHHHH! Why can't we live in a normal small town.

Eleanor- Ow stop complaining and come on. We have work to do.

The screen cracked as it pulled out showing Envy braking it with her grip.

Envy. Ha Ha Ha. What a matter Helen mad that the Werewolf came close to enslaving your son.

Screen pulls into the light showing Helen crashing the Crystal Ball.

Helen- No. I knew this might happen. That why I have a plan to deal with Winnie and the Werewolf Console.

Envy- Just like you plan to deal with Revolta. Admit it your Envy holding you back in doing what needs to be done.

Helen- Enough. I'm in control not you.

Envy- Ha Ha Ha. You might have made me a part of you. But you know the truth. Your backed into corner and it's getting smaller by every passing day. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Helen- We will see about that soon enough.

Helen crushes the small crystal ball into peace's. As the screen fades to black.

End Hidden Truths [Part-2].

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