29. The Witch of Envy.

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Screen opens to The Dark Forest with Ethan in training Armor with Tanis on his back. As he jumps through the tree. Tanis senses something wrong with Ethan.

Tanis. Uh Ethan are you alright?

Ethan. Not really Tanis. Ever since that battle with Andrew I just don't now what I'm doing wrong.

Tanis. What do you mean?

Ethan. When we started training inside your girls in your Alchemy World. I haven't been able to come close to your girls.

Tanis. But you've managed to beat me and hold out against Winnie and Phara. Your stronger then given credit for Ethie.

Ethan. Ha. Thank Tanis. But ever since we started training in there Alchemy Worlds. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage.  

Tanis. How so?

Ethan. Well there's Sibella  Vampire Castle and her Royal Black Knight's. Elean Frankenstein Science Castle along with her robots and monsters experiments. Phara Mental Asylum her army of the dead. Then there Winnie and her Werewolf army. And you Tanis with your pyramid along with your puzzles and undead Army. Also when you girls kill me you have me fight my way through your Alchemy Monsters to fight you girls again. It just drives me nuts.

Tanis. Hm. I can understand why your mad. But wont the people fight unfair to kill us. And we must be prepare for anything.

Ethan. Um I guess your right about that. Hu!? 

That when Ethan drops out of the tree to dodge the blade swing. That when a human like creature surrounded him. Ethan pulls out Winnie sword and activates it.

[ Plan-Do. A human like creature but look to be plant is created through Alchemy. There skin color camouflage with the forest. There body covered with plants that grow out of there body it hides human like body parts. There faces are covered in a giant wood leaf like mask. While Plan-Do Aura users wear Dark Red and Warriors have wear gold. The weapons they use range from curved bladed swords, a wood water shields. Sphere's, and bows].

Ethan. Tanis what are these things.

Tanis. Uh um!? I think there called Plan-Do. There powerful Alchemy Monsters. But who could have summon them?

Plan-Do. RAAA!!

They attacked Ethan who easy dodge and slice through the Plant-Do easy but there movement are fast and aggressive [Tiger Form] using there entire body as a weapon. This aggression form made it easy to predict there movement]. Ethan manages to kill them all.

Ethan. You think they were created by Broot.

Tanis. I don't think so. Broot wouldn't create such monsters. I believe Ms. Grim said he take certain summons a barbaric. And Revolta rarely create Alchemy Monsters and when she does there never plants. Hm. Hu!?

That when five big flower like plants emerge around them and unleased a light green pollen. Ethan jumps up onto a near by tree.

Ethan. Tanis what is that!?

Tanis. Um. It looks like some type of poison. We need to get out of here now. Ow No!!

Tanis notice That there smaller plants that were on the tree bloomed into smaller version from the bigger flowers that bloom. It sprayed it pollen at Ethan and Tanis that caused there body's to go num and they fall out of the tree landing on the ground. As they pass out a group of Plan-Do came out of the Dark Forest unaffected by the plants.

Ethan [Thoughts]. Dame it! This can't be it.

Screen changes to Ethan and Tanis tied up in vines kneeling Infront of a thrown with The Witch of Envy looking down on them as they wake up. She being guarded by two Envy Witch's wearing Dark Black armor and Dark Purple robes along with a similar mask but Dark Brown Wood. They have Wooden sphere's.

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