9. Defenders of Muddy Creek. Part.2.

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Screen opens to a Royal knight running out of the Plant Maze created by Broot. The knight shot through the back with a fire ball vaporizing the knight. As Ms. Grim walks out the maze with calmness as she see's Revolta flying on here broom stick looking down at Ms. Grim. Revolta drops and land 20 feet away from Ms. Grim. 

Ms. Grim. Hello there sister.

Revolta. Still refuse to forget about me Ms. Grim.

Ms. Grim. How could I your my big sister. Please let go of your lust for revenge and return to who you once were.

Revolta. It's to late for me. 2,000 years to late.

Revolta pulls out here wand and launched a giant fire ball at Ms. Grim who takes out here wand and with one strike across the fire ball braking it apart. 

Revolta. You never fail to impress me.

Ms. Grim. Unfrankly you give me no choice sister.  

They point there wand's at each other before the screen changes to Sibella and Elean getting out of the maze. With there swords at the ready. As Broot on his broom summons a group of Royal knights with crossbow along with a giant knight with sphere and giant shield.

Broot. Say hello to Revolta Tower Knight and his loyal Archers. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

Elean. Broot to much of a cowered to face us yourself.

Broot. Why would I waste my time with weakling like you. Know crush them know Tower Knight!

Tower Knight. RAAA! For Empress Revolta! Attack!

As the archers launched arrows at Elean and Sibella they dodge each arrow while moving close to the Tower Knight. As they go to strike him the screen changes to Tanis and Phara struggling to hold of large group of Royal Knights charge at them. They've just got out of the Plant Maze.

Tanis. RA's Fire Ball!!

Tanis launched a giant [Dark Green] Fire Ball wiping out the charging knights but they kept coming. 

Phara. Come on Tanis don't give up we can do this.

Tanis. I'm trying Phara there just to many.

That's when Tanis is nocked down by a royal knight and was about to be impale until Tanis but was shot dead by Ethan. As Jon Ethan and Winnie run in to help.

Tanis. Ethan!

Ethan. You alright Tanis.

Tanis. Ya I'm alright.

Ethan pulls out a syringe and gives it to Tanis.

 Ethan. Do you know how to use these Ectoplasm shots.

Tanis. Yes I do thank you.

Tanis injects herself with the syringe in the shoulder and quickly gets back up. To help fight.

Phara. Jon is that you.!?

Jon. Yes it's me. How've you've been.

Phara [Happy]. You know living. Ha Ha Ha!

Jon and Phara hold of the Knights. Phara randomly striking the knights while phasing through them while Jon smashes through them with his axe with ease. 

Jon. Ethan how are you and Winnie holding up.

Ethan. You know surviving I guess.

Jon. Alright then lets go. Lets find the rest of your class Phara.

Phara. Ha Ha Ha! I'm right behind ya.

Phara- Frozen Graveyard!

Phara uses an Ice Telekinesis wave freezing the knights Infront of them as they take of. Screen changes to Walter who's easily taking down knights with his Eagle cane.

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