49. Turkey Madness [Thanksgiving Special] [Part.1].

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Screen opens to Ethan sitting on a tree branch over looking the dark forest.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Uh. I can't believe I'm still so far behind Sibella. And I don't even want to think about how strong Elean is. If I couldn't hold a candle to Volt how will I ever kill Revolta.

Ethan slams his fist into the side of the tree has he remember Jester monsters killing his classmates, Envy Monster killing people in the hospital, and finally Volt threating to destroy Muddy Creek. That when Kalen appeared next to Ethan in his pyramid form. 

Kalen- I see you've recovered from that battle with that vampire. Your lucky Sibella saved you and Zane.

Ethan- Is the True Alpha Armor ready yet.

Kalen- Ha. One more month it should be ready. So until then I recommend you continue your training to controlling your Dark Aura.

 Ethan- Ya I will but tomorrow I'm taking a day off.

Kalen- Really you need to keep up with your training! What more important then that!

Ethan- Ha! That for me to know. So later Kalen.

Ethan then slides off the tree and takes off running when he lands on his feet.

Kalen [Thoughts]- GR! Descendent. I sense your conflict with in you. Your going to have to grow up and stop acting like a child and except your destiny. 

Screen changes to Revolta Castle Thrown Room. Were Jester preforming for Empress Revolta. Jester dodging explosive balls Revolta throwing at her. 

Clover [Jester]- Ha Ha Ha Ha! You know Empress if your throws were any good as your plans you would have killed those pests by now! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Revolta- Ha Ha Ha Ha. Funny Jester. But your punch line lacks strangth!

Clover- HA! You'll never hit me with throwing a single explosive. Hu!?

Revolta throws a ball explosives at Jester but Jester begins to panic as multiple explosive balls began to appear. Controlled by Revolta telekinesis.

Clover- Hey! That's not fair! Empress! WO!

Revolta- Know if it was fair it wouldn't be fun. Ha Ha Ha Ha.

As Jester dodges the explosives Broot walks in and kneels before Revolta.

Revolta- This better be good Broot. You know not to disturb me while I'm enjoying myself.

Broot- Forgive me Empress. But my new monster ready to attack the Rangers.

Clover- Hold on Broot Grandma Envy hasn't finished hers yet! AH!

Clover hit by all the ball explosives hit Jester. This caused a giant explosive that consumes  her. 

Revolta- Jester you know I left her in charge of dealing with Ms. Grim Students. And if she's not ready I can not force her hand. At least not yet.

Jester walked out of the fire of the explosives and with one swift movement of her right hand used telekinesis to put out the flames. Jester takes off her hat and kneels at Revolta.

Clover- Well I would like to throw my hat into the ring. I have a monster I worked in my spare time. 

Broot- Come now empress. She has failed multiple times before this.

Clover- So have you. Tree bag!

Revolta- Enough. If you have a Monster ready use it against Ms. Grim Students. We must keep them separated from now on. If we plan to defeat them. Understood you two.

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