55. Winter Moon [Part-2].

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Screen opens to Helen driving her truck with Ethan in passenger seat while Tanis and Phara are in the back.

Tanis- Thanks for driving us back to school mom.

Phara- Ya. Also thanks for dinner. Ha Ha Ha.

Helen- Any time you two. And thanks for helping train my son today.

Ethan- Smiled and looked out the car window.

Phara- Ha Ha. So Tanis when did you start calling Helen mom.

Tanis [Embarrassed]- Ow well um that's a bit complicated.

Helen- Ow that day was enjoyable one.

Ethan- Ha. It sure was.

Phara- UH?! I'm lost over here.

Helen- Well you see Tanis got used to hanging out at our place. And she was helping me make cookies with Ethan. When she accidentally dropped the dough into flour. She got all over the place. And was embarrassed. Ha Ha. Then Ethan put a small amount of flour on Tanis nose and we had a little flour fight. After that she was almost in tears and called me Mom and Ethan Brother.

 Phara- Ha Ha. I didn't now you liked flowers Tanis.

Tanis looked away in embarrassment.

Tanis- Ow shut it Phara.

Ethan- Ha Ha! Your so cute little sis when your embarrassed.

Tanis face was turned more red as she covered it with her hands. She spoke through her hands.

Tanis- Brother please don't say embarrassing things like that.

Ethan and Phara [Happy]- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Screen changes Miss. Grim School inside Sibella room. Winnie sitting inside Sibella Magic Circle while Sibella was looking through a book called Werewolf Spirits.

Winnie- So how long do I have to stay inside this Magic Circle.

Sibella- Until I'm certain I successfully sealed your Werewolf Spirit. 

Winnie- And that will take how long?

Sibella hears Helen pull up and walked to the window and see Tanis and Phara get out and wave good bye.

Sibella- We will know by tomorrow so just relax. And beside you shouldn't worry about that.

Winnie [Confused]- Then what should I be worrying about?

Sibella- Are you really that tone death. I'm talking about your Mate Ethan. If your Werewolf Spirit manages to control you. Even I worry about what you might do to him.

Winnie didn't respond and just looked at the Magic Seal on her shoulder. The screen changes to outside of Miss. Grim School as the Winter Moon rises above the school it began to lightly snow. Screen shows all the girls asleep then changes to Winnie tossing and turning in pain. The seal on her shoulder brakes. And her eyes open glowing. 


Winnie howl wakes up Sibella who quickly got to her feet but right when she does she blasted back by a fire repulse slamming her against the wall. 

Winnie- GRRR! You ungrateful Blood Sucking Parasite ! You think you could stop us Werewolf Spirits from our Mate. How pathetic. 

Winnie blast a hole inside Sibella room and takes off. The other girls and Miss. Grim burst into Sibella room.

Miss. Grim- What happened here Sibella.

Elean- Ya what's wrong with Winnie?

As Sibella got up.

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