31. Carnival of Evil [Part1].

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Screen open to Ethan walking home with Winnie. Ethan look tired and like he was going to collapse. There on the dirt road not far from the town.

Ethan. YON!!

Winnie. You alright Ethan.

Ethan. Ya Winnie I'm alright.

Winnie. You don't look like it. I mean after all that happened this week.

Ethan. I know this past week just drained me. I'm just glad everyone's ok.

Winnie. Well Ms. Grim training has gotten harder so I'm not surprised. Along with your mom nearly killing that joke of a witch Envy.

Ethan. Ya. I'm glad she alright and back on her feet. Also Ms. Grim and the training from everyone is becoming harder. Yon!

Winnie. Um Well we thought you wanted to get stronger.

Ethan. Yes but not destroying me every day. Uh. Also my mom not happy with me coming home and passing out. Also she seems more worried about me now.

Ethan has flash back getting killed by all of them inside there Alchemy World.

Winnie. Really that doesn't sound like her.

Ethan. Ya but ever since she saw me in that medic tank she changed a bit. And I'm worried she might pull me from your school.

Winnie. Na I don't think she would go that far. Your worrying to much. Mom would never do that.

Ethan. Ha you called her mom again.

Winnie [Embarrassed and Red]. Hu!? Uh? We should get you home before you pass out again right.

Ethan. Uh! Snore!

That when Winnie hears Ethan falls to the ground landing in the mud.

Winnie [Thoughts]. Ow great.

Screen changes to Helen opening the front door. She see's Winnie and Ethan leaning against the side of the front door. Winnie looked like she changed back from her true werewolf form. Helen doesn't look surprised.

Helen. Coming coming! Ow dear!? Did he pass out again.

Winnie. Ya sorry Helen. Well I should get going.

Helen picks up Ethan.

Helen. Hold on Winnie I would like to speak to you.

Winnie froze in place shocked by that.

Winnie. Uh sure thing Ms. H.

Helen smiled as they enter the house the screen changes to Ethan walking out of the school.

Ethan [Thoughts]. Uh! I can't believe I passed out again last night. Well at least today can't get worse.

Emma. Well hello there leather boy.

Ethan [Thought]. UH! I take that back.

Ethan. What you want Emma and Eleanor.

Emma. Ow nothing much But we got you a little gift. Can you guess what it is.

Ethan. At the moment I really don't care.

Emma. It's a flee collar for your mut of a girlfriend. Ha Ha Ha!

Eleanor. Ha Ha Ha. You get it.

Ethan [Deep Breath]. Really that joke was stale like your looks.

Emma and Eleanor stood there look insulted and speech less as her mom pulls up in the truck and honks.

Ethan. Well that my ride later Emma.

As Ethan leave Emma pulls out a small ball and lights it with a lighter.

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