14. Movie Night. [Part 1].

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Screen opens to school bell ringing and Ethan walking out of muddy Creek High School. He's looks happy. How ever Emma following not far behind him with a Whip Cream Pie.

Ethan [Thoughts]. Finally I'm no longer grounded. Ow these three weeks have been hell. But know maybe I can get back to training with the other girls. Ow great  twenty dollars. 

As Ethan goes down to grab the money Emma throws the pie at Ethan she miss and hits her sister Eleanor. Ethan notice and smiles while Emma looked in horror as Eleanor picked up what left of the pie.

Eleanor. Emma come here know.

Emma [Scared]. Big sis I'm Sor. SPLAT!!

Ethan [Happy]. Ha Ha Ha.

That when Eleanor pushed what left of the pie in her face. The rest of the students couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Eleanor [Calm and Mad]. Know lets clean ourselves up little sis.

Emma [Embarrass]. Yes Big Sis.

Screen changes to Winnie Phara and Tanis waiting for Ethan. At Ms. Grim school gate.

Tanis. I'm so happy we get to train with Ethan again.

Phara. Ha Ha. Ya. Ever since that prank I felt bad for him.

Tanis [Confused]. Uh why Phara. Was he really punished that bad?

Winnie. He was.

Tanis. But how?

Winnie. Well let see. There was Sibella and Elean upping his training to the point he passed out. His strict curfew and training under his mom. Hmm what else was there.

Phara. Ew he also had defense mind training with Ms. Grim.

Winnie. Ya. I remember hearing him screaming while in the meditation room.

Tanis. No. Ms. Grim would never harm Ethan.

Ethan. Don't worry she didn't hurt me Tanis.

Everyone one looks over and see's Ethan in the gateway to the school. Tanis runs up and hugs Ethan.

Tanis [Happy]. Ethie! 

Winnie. What do you mean. I heard you screaming.

Ethan. Ow that was here training me in Absorbing Element attacks with my hands.

Phara. Ha Ha. It's sound like you had trouble learning it.

Ethan. Your right about that. That training was hard.

Ethan has a flash back to Ms. Grim blasting Ethan with { Light Blue] Lightning as Ethan try's to absorb it. But failing and getting badly burned on his hands this mad Ethan angry and he start to absorb the lightning.. Ms. Grim stops the training. There's a magic circle around them.

Ethan [Pain]. AHHHH!!

Ms. Grim. I thought I told you to not use your passions Ethan.

Ethan [Pain]. Uh! I'm sorry Ms. Grim. 

Ms. Grim. Hm. That will be all for today.

Ethan [Worried]. No please I can control my passions.

Ms. Grim. It's not that. Our time up. 

Ms. Grim points to the clock 4.00 PM.

Ethan. Ow!?

Ms. Grim. But I'm impressed your able to absorb most Elements. Were continue this and your Mind Defense training tomorrow alright.

Ethan [Sad]. Yes Ms. G. And don't worry I'll get my passions under control. 

Ms. Grim. I believe you will one day Ethan. But remember you must defeat your own demons before that can happen. Anyways good day to you dear.

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