46. Attack of the Spider-Bats [Part-2].

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Screen opens to Ethan running through the Dark Forest. He's in his normal clothes. 

Ethan [Thoughts]- Dam that Monster he managed to take control the girls. 

Kalen appears next to him in his pyramid form.

Kalen- Ethan where are you going. Your no match for those monsters when there together. You need to get away from here now.

Ethan- I'm not going to abandon them. Besides where near a Freedom Fighter base where I can contact the Rangers.

Kalen- Are you forgetting about the Monster Spider-Bats. Or did you forget they can mind control you.

Ethan- No I didn't. And don't worry I been training with Ms. Grim to resist mind control.

Kalen- Indeed. From what I've seen your quit capable with it. But this Man-Bat is much more capable with his control ability's. Since he able to control all of your slaves. So I recommend you end him quickly. Before he has a chance to control you.

Ethan- Don't worry I will. And stop calling my friends, slaves!

Screen changes to Winnie and Tanis hunting for Ethan. In the Dark Forest.

Winnie- Come on Tanis keep up. We need want disappoint Empress Revolta! 

Tanis- I'm trying Winnie. But I'm not as strong as you.

Winnie- Then just hurry it up!

Winnie [Thoughts]- GRR! Stupid Mummy. I'll kill Ethan myself if she doesn't keep up.

As Winnie stops to wait for Tanis to catch up 

Winnie Werewolf spirt speaks to her through her thoughts.

Werewolf Spirit- No! You shall not harm him!

Winnie [Thoughts]- AH! Shut up! I serve Empress Revolta not you!

Werewolf Spirit- Come now Winnie your stronger then this. To allow yourself to be controlled by that Bat Monster is a disgrace to our title as Luna.

Winnie- Gr! Shut up! I am in control!

Tanis- Uh! Winnie are you alright!?

Winnie turns around and see Tanis behind her.

Winnie- Ya. I'm fine Tanis.

Tanis- That's good. But we should focus on killing Eth. . Uh! To kill AHHH! No I wont kill my brother AH! Get out of my head!

Winnie- Hu! Tanis. Uh! I wont let you control me, Man-Bat!

Screen pulls out showing Man-Bat watching them through the crystal ball inside an old tomb.

Man-Bat- Ow I think I can Luna. Ha Ha Ha. Spider-Bats mark them again! I shall not lose Empress servants.

Screen changes back to Tanis and Winnie where a Magic Seal appears on there necks that began to brake but there attacked by Spider-Bats. Tanis gets bit where her magic seal is that removes the cracks. While Winnie uses her rage to cut down three Spider-Bats with her Magma Claws.

Winnie- Werewolf Magma Claws! AHH!!

However Winnie is overwhelmed and is bit and the Magic Circle on her neck returns to normal. Man-Bat contact them through there thoughts.

Man-Bat- Now Ethan has killed a few of my Spider-Bats. It seems he's headed to some type of cabin. Stop him from getting inside. And bring him to me dead or alive.

Tanis- Of course Man-Bat where stop him. 

Winnie- Ha. Ya where find him. Ha Ha Ha!

Screen changes back to Man-Bat.

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