8.Defenders of Muddy Creek. Part 1.

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Screen opens up with Ethan, The Rangers, Monster girls, Walter, and Ms. Grim at the Freedom Fighter Military school. Getting ready to head into Muddy Creek.

Tanis. You alright Ethan. You shouldn't be running around after what Revolta did to you.

Ethan. I'm ok Tanis. I just need a few seconds to catch my breath.

Elean see's Ethan struggling and walks over. She pulls out what seems to be a portable syringe however the needle wasn't that big it glowed a Blue color. She also pulled out a small rope.

Elean. Alright Ethan give me your hand.

Ethan notice the needle and looked scared and hesitates.

Ethan. Is that a needle.

Elean. You want to feel better or not.

Ethan [Scared]. What is that stuff first.

Elean. It's called Ectoplasm. It's created from a plant in our world. It heals the the body to 90% but will decrease by 10% with every injection. And can kill you if you overdose. 

Ethan. Is it addicting and how many can a person takes before over dosing.

Elean. No it's not naturally addictive but there are people who enjoy taking these. As for how many I would say around Five to six normally the body can't handle the stuff when your body weak. Know give me your hand.

Ethan looked concerned still but gave Elean his hand. She wrap's the rope around his arm area and finds his vane then ejects Ethan with the needle. While Ethan looked scared and looked away.

Ethan [Heavy Breathing]. Ow!?

Elean. Really you managed to survive torture with Revolta but your scared of a little needle.

Ethan. Well I don't like anything sharp and thin going in my body. It feels so wrong. Hu!? Hey I feel a lot better. Thanks Elean.

Elean. Your welcome.

Walter. Alright everyone come in we have a plan.

After everyone gather around Walter and Ms. Grim and a small lab top.

Walter. Alright listen up Mie sent out a drone and found Revolta and Broot. There on there way to Muddy Creek. And there bring all the Alchemy Monsters we've destroyed with them. Along with a few new ones. So I'll need you all on guard when we head out.

Gunter [Sarcasm]. Well that's great.

Zane. So what's the plan sir.

Walter. Your men and me will be heading in through the dirt road to stop them from getting deeper into the town.

Ms. Grim. While me and my girls will sneak in through the alleyways. And try to retrieve Zada's Spell Book. I believe my sister will try to summon more monsters inside the town. So we all must hurry in order to stop her.

Walter. So lets move out men. We have a lot to do and were losing moon light here. 

Rangers. Sir yes sir.

As they start to get ready to head out Nova notice Ethan grabbing an AR-15 Rifle and a military backpack.

Nova. What do you thinking tour going? Ethie.

Ethan. I'm coming along to help. 

Nova. No your not. I'm going to allow it.

Ethan. But Nova you'll need all the help you can get.

Nova [Sad and Worried]. This isn't a game Ethan! I don't want to lose you. So please stay here.

Ethan. Fine I'll stay here.

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