15. Movie Night [Part.2].

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Screen opens to Gunter in his Ranger Armor and running through the Dark Forest. As he jumped by five Shadow Werewolf's. But he's ready for them and cuts them down with his Axe.

Gunter [Green Ranger]. Huntsmen Axe Wind Strike!

After that he side hit by a Giant Shadow Werewolf that launches him through a bush and almost rolls of a cliff but grips the side. Has he lifts himself up he surprised to see Winnie sitting on the side of the cliff looking lost in thought. His Axe falls to ground bellow.

Gunter [Surprised]. Winnie?! What are you doing. Wo!

Shadow Werewolf. RAAAAAAAAAA!!

The Shadow Werewolf grabs Gunter and slams him through a near by tree.

Gunter [Mad]. Alright I'm done with you Mutt!

After he go back up. Gunter grabs his his pistol and open fires at the charging Werewolf. As the Werewolf got close Gunter dodges his claw swings and manages to jump on the back of the werewolf. Gunter grips his throat trying to brake it but to no effect. As the Werewolf try's to throw him off. So Gunter uses his army knife to blind the Werewolf who panic and runs of the cliff with Gunter on his back. Gunter lets go and slams his fists into the cliff's and slides to a stop.

Gunter. [Stabbing Werewolf with Knife]Come on die. . .[ After grips cliff's] Ow thank god. . . [Looking down at were Werewolf fell] Stupid Werewolf.

Gunter holds onto the cliff with one hand then uses his other hand and focus with telekinesis to call his Axe to him. After getting his Axe back he climes back up the cliff side. Screen changes back to Winnie who still looked lost in thought. As Gunter managed to jump up and lands next to Winnie. Who's surprised to see Winnie not notice him after that. 

Gunter. Alright what's up Winnie. Your usually attacking me with your Shadow Werewolf's.

 Winnie snaps out when Gunter touched Winnie shoulder. And push Gunter back with Telekinesis. Which he tanks the blast only sliding back a few feet. But as Winnie attacked him he dodges and fights back with his fists.

Gunter. Wo! Time out Winnie didn't you hear me.

Winnie. Uh no I was thinking about something.

Gunter. Well maybe I can help you. Ya know. 

Winnie. Hm. Maybe were talk after I kick your but.

Winnie lands a claw strike across his helmet and then a telekinesis blast landing him on his back. Gunter takes off his damaged helmet and grabs his Axe. Winnie smile as she gets her claws at the ready. They stood stare at each other ready to charge. When they do they charge at each other with great speed. Gunter Axe burns Dark Green and seen to be more heavier as Winnie Claws Glows Dark Red Magma color.

Gunter. Huntsmen Axe Mountain Slash!
Winnie. Werewolf Magma Claws Tear!

After they pass each other Winnie has a deep cut on her shoulder she kneels and grabs her hand. But before Gunter could move he has a hole through his chest. Gunter falls over and his armor disappeared and lands on the ground. The Magic Circle heals them Winnie walked over to Gunter and put a hand out helping him up. After there wounds heal. Screen changes to cliff side were Winnie and Gunter sitting.

Winnie. And then he invited me over for Dinner and a Movie.

Gunter. Ha Ha Ha.

Winnie. What so funny?!

Gunter. I'm surprised your worried about such a thing. After how you act around us.

Winnie. I knew talking to you would be a waste of time.

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