76. Marked for Dead [Part-5].

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Screen opens to Winnie and Ethan fighting Mark who is in her Werewolf Form. Mark use Wind Howl that destroy huge part of the forest inside the green house.


Ethan- Dam it! This isn't good.

Winnie- Ethan! Why aren't you in your Warlock Armor!

Ethan- I had to lock to keep True Alpha from controlling me!

Winnie- Ow great!

Ethan- Hey don't worry I can handle myself! HU! WO!


Ethan- Moon Blade Strike!

Mark leaps at Ethan and try to claw strikes against Ethan chest. But Ethan manages to dodge the strike and strikes Mark against his chest but the sword doesn't even cuts him.

Ethan- What!?

Mark grabs Ethan and throws him through a tree as Winnie attacks Mark from behind and manages to scratch him across his back leaving three marks.

Winnie- Ethan! GRRR! Magma Claw Strike!

Mark- GR! GRRRR!

Mark turns around and grabs Winnie by the leg and tosses her into Ethan who just got back.

Ethan- Wait! UHF!!

Winnie- Sorry Ethie.

Mark- Ha Ha Ha Ha. You are out match without your werewolf spirit Winnie or your human pet power band.

Winnie- GRR! Shut up towel head! Hu!?

Ethan- Wo! Easy Winnie we just can't charge at him again.

Ethan yanks Winnie back from charging at Mark.

Winnie- Well we can't keep dodging him. So do you have a plan. 

Ethan- I do but prepare to be in pain after words.

Winnie- Ow great. I hate doing that attack.

Ethan- Have a better plan.

As Mark leaps at them.

Winnie- No so lets get this over with then. 

Ethan body began to have Black lightning Spark throughout his body while Winnie body began to burn a Dark Blue and Black as the screen changes to Mason standing elegantly in the front of the prison main entrance as Jon, Ca-Yo being helped by Marry, and Helen walking beside Jon.  They all approach Mason . A storm forms around the prison to where no light shine through.

[Prison Front Yard Description- An open area with a statue of Luna the moon goddess. While the prison made of red brick and gave an elegant look 1800 castle. A stone path that leads to the main door has red rose bushes lining the gates around the prison].

Mason- What happened to you two.

Ca-yo- Gunter was more aggressive then I thought. AHH!

Marry- Easy dear.

Jon- Well they where more trouble then we thought. So how was your hunt Mason.

Helen- Yes. You better have not killed my son and his girl friend.

Mason- Ow. No worry's there alive. Unfortunately you three wont. Minutemen Wind Strike!

Mark Manages to grab his sword and swings his sword with blinding speed however Helen and Jon manages to dodge by stepping back as the strike hits Marry and Ca-Yo cutting them in two. And launching  

Helen- What the meaning of this Mason.

As Helen and Jon manages to land there feet slid across the ground. As they activates there weapons.

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