80- Still Alive [Part-2].

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Screen opens to the Dark Forest were Ethan and Winnie getting ready to fight Thanatos and the two Priests he brought with him. That when Kalen appears next to Ethan in his Pyramid for and communicate through Ethan thoughts. 

Kalen [Thoughts]- Descendant be careful I sense these Holly Knights are very strong from the ones you fight. From the Valley.

Ethan [Thoughts]- I sense that old man. So don't worry I got this.

Ethan- Ancient Power Warlock! UH!?

Thanatos- I'm not going to allow that Demon Worshiper. 

Ethan smiles and get ready to summon his Warlock Armor. But Thanatos slams his Spear on the ground and a Magic Circle appears around the area as Ethan hits his power band button. When Ethan armor doesn't appear it surprises him and Winnie.

Ethan [Thoughts]- What the hell!? Where's my armor?

Silver Priest- Ha Ha Ha.

Winnie- GRR! What did you do to Ethan! You robed freaks!

Silver Priest- Silent Demon Hound! You have no right to question us. 

Silver Knight pulls out his Knight Sword and points it at Winnie. Who glared back at him. But Thanatos put his hand Infront of the priest stopping his aggression. Ethan was still shocked at what just happened. While Thanatos notice it.

Ethan [Thoughts]- What happened.

Kalen [Thoughts]- The Magic Circle they put up as disabled your Power Band as long as it up.

Ethan [Thoughts]- How do I destroy it.

Kalen [Thoughts]- In order to brake the circle you must kill the one who casted it. That being Thanatos. 

Ethan [Thoughts]- That shouldn't be a problem.

Ethan pulls the Moon Sword Winnie gave him and activates it the blade burns light Blue. This surprises Thanatos. Winnie was still mad at the Silver Priest.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Be on guard and remember your training because this time I wont be able to save your skin this time due to that circle.

Ethan [Thoughts]- That wont be a problem. So sit back and see what I can really do.

Thanatos [Thoughts]- Hm. Interesting a Blue Blade. But why does he side with these Monsters over us for having such a weapon.

Ethan- Lower your Magic Circle and never return here Thanatos. You and the Holly Knights aren't welcome in Muddy Creek.

Thanatos- No. How about this. Use your blade and strike down that Hell Hound. And join us in protecting humanity from there Monster filth.

Thanatos points at Winnie. This makes her enraged at the Royal knight. As Winnie Werewolf Spirit appears next to her mad as well.

Wendy [Thoughts]- GRR! What did that tin head call us.

Ethan- You have a few screws loose if you think I'll do something that stupid.

Winnie smile at Ethan statement. While Wendy cry's with happiness.

Wendy [Thoughts]- Awww!! I new he loved us. UHF!

Winnie grips Wendy with telekinesis crushing her.

Winnie [Thoughts]- What did I say about remaining focus. Or did you forget what happen to Ethan the last time you didn't help.

Wendy [Thoughts]- Ow. I.

That when Wendy remember Ethan being impaled and him on the ground dead.

Wendy [Thoughts]- I'm sorry Winnie.

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