83- A Young Alpha [Part-1].

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Screen opens to Miss Grim School Medic Bay. Where Ethan laying in a bed wearing surgery clothes. He has some bandages that have ectoplasm in them. As He wakes up he looks around and see's Miss Grim there with a food cart a Silver pan cover the food.

Miss Grim- Good morning Ethan. Enjoy your recovery nap.

Ethan- Ya um! . . AH! Is Ostrava and Winnie alright.

That when Ethan remember passing out after seeing Winnie and Ostrava. 

Miss Grim- There fine. Also you have only been out for a day and it's morning.

Ethan- Well that's a good thing to know. What's on the cart?

As Ethan gets up.

Miss Grim- Your breakfast. I don't want you heading out on an empty stomach. So hurry up Winnie waiting for you up stairs.  With the rest of my girls.

Miss Grim pulls off the pan. It was Eggs Bread and Bacon, sausage along with orange juice. 

Miss Grim- Also here this is from Mark.

Miss Grim hands Ethan a map of Muddy Creek that shows images of Monsters and Mark Merchant symbol.

Ethan- Thank you Miss G. But what is this?

Miss Grim- It's a Map showing you where Mark set up shop along with safe house in the Dark Forest that I set up for you the Rangers and the girls.

As Ethan looked through the map he see a House that called Warlock Castle. This interests him but he thanks Miss Grim.

Ethan- Wow. Thanks Miss Grim this can help a lot.

Miss Grim- Ha. Your welcome dear. Also the map shows the monsters that live in the area. So be carful not to get yourself killed out there.

Ethan- Don't worry I will. I have no plans in dying.

Miss Grim- Well you better not. Other wise your mother will kill us both. Ha ha ha.

Ethan- Ha ha. Uh yes she will.

Miss Grim gives a playful laugh. Ethan had a worry look. As Miss Grim head to leave but she stops before leaving.

Miss Grim- Ow I just remembered your mother called and wanted you to call her back when you wake up.

Ethan- Um did you tell her what happened to me.

Miss Grim- I did. It's part of my job being headmistress of this school. As you should know.

Ethan- Ya. I guess so. Thanks for letting me know Miss G.

Miss Grim- Anytime dear. Now eat up before it get cold. And have a great day.

After Miss Grim left the screen changes to Ostrava, Winnie and the other Monster Girls. There enjoying some Tea and treats.

Ostrava- So Ethan is fighting against True Alpha for control over his body.

Sibella- Indeed Alpha Ostrava.

Tanis- Ya Ethan a very strong and kind human.

Tanis said in a kind voice.

Ostrava- Couldn't Miss Grim freed him from Alpha control.

Phara- Ha ha ha. She tryed but True Alpha Soul bonded with Ethan's. And made it nearly impossible to remove. Even for someone as powerful as Miss Grim.

Ostrava- That is troubling. Is there any other way to remove Alpha Soul.

Elean- Well there is one but it will take him time to do so.

Ostrava- If there is. Then is there anyway I can help. No human or monster soul should suffer like that.

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