71. Bonded to True Alpha [Part-4].

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Screen opens to Walter, Helen, Jon, Ca-Yo, Marry and Dave who's in there gear walking towards Miss Grim School. Walter on his wrist band radio. Screen changes to Zane and the other Rangers who set up shield generators around Miss Grim school. Zane on his radio.

Zane- All shield generators are up sir!

Walter- Good work Ranger. Now take everyone back to base. You know what to do if we don't return.

Zane- Sir. Please let us fight. We can help you.

Walter- No. You and the others are Muddy Creeks only hope in stopping Revolta and True Alpha if we fail. You understand Ranger.

Zane- Sir yes sir. Zane over and out.

Helen- Come on lets end this.

Ca-Yo blocks Helen from walking forward with his hand.'

Helen [Mad]- Uh!? What the hell Ca-Yo?

Ca-yo- We can't just go rushing in there. You know True Alpha power is greater then most of us here.

Jon- He's right Helen. Better be safe then sorry.

Marry- Ya. Please calm down.

Helen [Mad]- Look my son soul at risk of being lost to that cursive Werewolf. So I'm not just going to stand by and lose my only son! HU!?

Helen eyes turn black and Dark Green.

True Alpha- Then it a shame you've already lost him.

That when True Alpha appears behind them. He's wearing his normal True Alpha Armor. His Sword ready to strike them. But Walter manages to blast True Alpha through the school front gate. 

Helen- Thanks Walter. Uh AH!

Witch of Envy [Thoughts]- That's it. Let me lend you my strength. And I shall help you to free your son from True Alpha grip. Unless you want him to end up like your sister dead.

Helen [Thoughts]- AH! Never!

Envy [Thoughts]- Grr. Then I shall take control by force!

Helen resists Envy control as a seal appears on her shoulder and burned through her clothes. It burns a Dark Rotted Green color and is a snake eating itself. Dave raises his hand and puts up a golden cross seal around the Envy seal. Helen kneels in pain. The other chase after True Alpha. 

Dave- Holly God Seal! 

Helen- Dam it. Sorry for losing control Dave.

Dave- It is alright fellow sister. But please be carful with the Witch of Envy power it will corrupt you.  

Helen- Don't worry I know Dave.

Screen changes to Jon leaping at True Alpha his Axe covered in Black seal and Dark Red Flame.

Jon- Executioner Axe Seal!

True Alpha grips the sword with both hands and gets launched back from the strength hit but keep his feet firmly planted to the ground. As Walter attack True Alpha from behind with his cane sword burns bright white but Alpha manages to block the sword strike as Marry smashes through underground and grabs Alpha her knight claws grip into his shoulders and slam him into the ground. A white eagle Magic Circle appears around True Alpha and golden chains hold him in place.

True Alpha- Grr! Ungrateful Were-Rat!!

As Walter holds True Alpha in place Helen and Dave run in joining them. Dave pulls out a golden cross. while Helen pulls out a her wand and leap around Walter Magic Seal. Helen summons plants vines that grip Alpha tight. And a circle appears around Walter ring burning Dark Green.

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