42. Monster Theater [Halloween SPECIAL] [Part.3].

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Screen opens with Winnie fighting against Sibella Elean and Phara. While Ethan watches from the second floor. 

Ethan [Thoughts]. Ha. Stupid monster girls. You wont win against Winnie. I remember finding her almost broken and full of rage. Know she can use it to take her revenge against the courts for there crimes.

Ethan has a flash back. Screen changes to Winnie in a slave cage who looked in rage with light cuts on her body. Then the guards were looking after her was shot dead. As Winnie look up she see's Ethan looking down at her. Screen changes to the pups watching.

John. What the hell this?

Snow. Ya why our Luna chained up?

Jason brakes his chair arm. And Nubia notice it along with the other parents.

Nubia. Uh!? Alpha are you ok.

Jason [Mad]. Yes I'm fine.

Adam. Are you sure master.

Jason. Yes I am servant.

Henry. Come now alpha. Any father would be mad if they saw there child to be sold into slavery.

Claire. Henry right. However this is all fake so there nothing to worry about.

Jason. I now that phantom. Believe me I do.

Screen goes back to Ethan watching Winnie dodge the ice attack from Phara.

Phara. Graveyard Ice Spikes!

Winnie. Werewolf Magma Strike!!

Phara unable to dodge Winnie who slams her claws into Phara chest launching her into Elean. Sibella strikes Winnie from behind not leaving a scratch. This surprised Sibella who jumps through the air to join Elean and Phara.

Sibella. It would seem what ever Ethan injected her with makes her imune to most of our attacks.

Phara. So how to we kill her.

Elean. Right now we don't have time to figure that out. We need to stop that weapon from firing.

Sibella. Were deal with the Werewolf. Shut down that weapon. 

Elean. Right away Royal.

They charge at Winnie who goes after Elean.

Winnie. I'm not stupid Corps! I have good hearing. HUF!

Phara. Black Ice Coffin!!

Sibella. Royal Blood Lightning!

Winnie [Mad]. Ungrateful Blood Sucker!

Ice emerges from the ground holding Winnie in place and a small magic circle appears around Sibella it glows dark red with a rose in the middle. Sibella blast Winnie with Dark Red Lightning. Elean leaps to the second floor.

Ethan. Knights take her.

Robot Royal knight. Yes master.

Ethan walks through the giant door as it closed behind him Elean cuts through the knights with ease and use telekinesis to blast her way into the room were Ethan waiting for her. His weapon at the ready. The room is a long hallway with Robot Knights standing in a line on left and right side of the hallway.

Elean. Get out of my way Ethan. I'm not letting that weapon fire.

Ethan. It's to late when it strikes midnight the weapon will fire. And the Monster Realm governments will be eradicated. And you will die here.

Elean looks at her watch on her hand and see it ten minutes till midnight. She takes out a needle it glows Dark Blue and injects herself with it. Elean body bulked up and she charges at Ethan. Who click a button on his gun. And the knights attack her but Elean makes her way down the hallway not slowing down but Ethan blasts her with his rifle that shoots out [Blue] Lightning. Elean telekinesis push away the knights then try to absorb the lightning but instead it's shock Elean overloading her sword causing it to explode burning her right hand. And dropping to her knees.

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