61. The Lust Twins [Part-2].

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Screen opens to Winnie slamming Ethan into the wall while fighting her evil self inside the sin cave. Evil Winnie over head sword attack Winnie who blocks it with her hand.

Evil Winnie- Come now Winnie you know this is Ethan fate. Just mark him and settle down together. I'm sure he'll forgive once he's put in his place.

Winnie- GRR! Werewolf Lightning Dash!!

Winnie dash her into her evil self launching her through a pillar.

Winnie- Nock your crap off. I'll never mark Ethan and nothing you say will change that. HU!?

As the smoke clear the Lust Twins take there true forms they look around the ages of Ethan and Winnie.

[Freya Description- Has Black Eyes with Dark Green Demon look. She wearing slave robes that are dark brown. The weapon she holding is a Lust Whip that Black Leather with a Dark Green and Black Broken Heart Ruby on the whip Rain-guard. The Grip is Dark Brown Leather.  The Pommel is broken heart the cracks in the heart made of Dark Green Black Ruby].

[Davis Description- Has same eyes as Freya and clothes. However the weapon held is a Lust Rapier Sword that Blade burn a Dark Green with Black cracks. The sword looked old and forgotten. There a elegant and beautiful look to it].

Freya- I guess your right about that right my dear brother.

Davis- Like always my loving sister. 

Freya whips her whip as Davis activated his sword.

Winnie- Ha. Finally showed you true forms lust twins. Or should I call you by your real names. Freya and David.

Freya- Those names mean nothing to us anymore.

David. Ya. Those names have no meaning to us anymore.

Winnie- So you two truly are consumed by your sin.

Freya- No. We except what we've become. Just like you will eventually have to.

Winnie- Stop talking about my life.

David- Why should we. You chose the curse of the Werewolf. And all the negative that come with it. Besides I'm sure Ethan will come to respect his fate after you force him to.

Winnie- GRRR! That tears it your dead lust boy! Werewolf Magma Claws!

Winnie charges at and was about to strike him but Freya wrapped her whip around Winnie hand stopping her strike. Winnie pulls out her own sword and activates to counter David impalement strike. Then Winnie grabs the whip and slams Freya into a wall hard. While slamming into David with power strikes trying to overwhelm him. But David does a roaming retreat while keeping his balance and elegantly. 

David- Come now Winnie. You can't change fate. Unless you plan on killing him then rather have him suffer like the other human mates.

Winnie- GRRR!

Winnie enraged increased her strength and speed nocking David sword from his hands. But before she could do an over head strike Freya whip wrapped around her hands and the whip began to burn her hands. The whip Thong burns Dark Pink causing her to drop her sword. Left open David runs up and punches Winnie multicable times then launches her away with a speed punch to her chest slamming her into the inside fountain. Freya walks over and joins her brother. wrapping her brother in the hug.

Freya- Nice work my loving brother.

David- I know. I'm always that good sis. 

Freya- Such a nice sword. But the color not my type. Ha Ha Ha. There much better.

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