58. Christmas Spirit [Christmas Special] [Part-1].

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Screen open to a snow covered Muddy Creek with everyone running around shopping. Screen pulls up to the top of the Church Clock Tower showing the Monster Girls looking down bellow. The place is covered in snow.

Elean- Ha. Look at them running around like ants.

Sibella- Come now Elean there much more smarter then that.

Phara- Ha Ha Ha Ha. Funny Bella. But there more related to monkeys.

Winnie [Mad]-- UH! Can we get going. This is so boring.

Tanis- Ya. Winnie right. We have a lot to pick up today. And we promised to visit Ethan after this.

Phara- Ha Ha. Don't worry Tanis we have plenty of time before sun goes down.

Screen changes Ethan home kitchen where Helen cooking. She's making Christmas cookies.

Helen [Thoughts]- Ah. I can't believe everything that happened this year. I'm going to have to double my work to keep my kids safe. HU!?

Envy [Thoughts]- Good luck with that. At this rate Ethan will become Winnie's chew toy. Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Helen [Thoughts]- After all you put me through. I thought you would show some respect to me. And shut up.

Envy [Thoughts]- Ha to you. I sense you overcame your sister death. But what will happen when your son taken from you.

Helen [Thoughts]- That enough. I'll deal with it when it comes up. Until then be silent. HU!?

That's when the door bell rings. Screen changes to Ethan on the living room couch watching a Horror movie with Hell-Gate fighting Monster like Yeti.

Helen- Ethan could you get that.

Ethan- Just a second mom it's getting to the good part.

Helen- Uh. Ethan if I have to come in there your grounded for a month. You hear me!

Ethan- Um. Sure thing mom. I was only joking.

Helen- Uh hu I bet.

Ethan opens the front door to have Tanis jump hug Ethan.

Tanis- Brother! Ha Ha Ha. It's great to see you.

Ethan- Great to see you to little sis.

Winnie- Hey! What are we chopped liver.

Ethan- Of course not. How things been Phara and Winnie. Since well Werewolf Spirit accident.

Phara- Ha Ha Ha Ha! Where all ok. That doctor really knows how to stich us up.

Ethan- Ya. And he managed to get rid of Eleanor and Emma. Those two runts need to leave us alone.

Sibella [Clear Throat]- Also if it isn't to much trouble may we come in it's getting quit cold outhere.

Ethan- Sure. You all are always welcome here.

After entering the house Helen pops out from the kitchen when they enter the living room.

Helen- Hey there girls I'm almost done with Christmas Cookies. I'll be out in a second.

Tanis- Do you need help mom.

Helen- Ow no dear. Just have a seat I'll be out in a moment.

As everyone goes to sit down.

Tanis- So um Ethan I was wondering what is Christmas?

Ethan- WOW! Girls really don't get out a lot. If you don't know any of our holidays.

Sibella- Well Ethan we didn't have a reason to get involved with your nation holidays.

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