24. Phantom Asylum. [Part.1].

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Screen opens with Ethan training with Kalen. How ever Ethan not wearing his training gear. He's wearing his new Warlock Armor. He's fighting Kalen hand to hand while using there lightning. There both in lightning lock but Kalen brakes the lock and start absorbing it through his hands. Ethan stops and charges at Kalen But Phases through his body like he was a ghost.

[Ethan Warlock Armor Description. Ethan skin looked Sick and twisted. Around his right eye has a straight slice through it with an S through the slice. Ethan clothes is light armor Robes the colors are Black, Dark Blue, with Dark Purple lines shaped like lightning around his shirt chest area. The Gloves have a communicator on right hand. But both Gloves have Dark Blue Lightning Ruby's that on the back hand. The Glove also have knuckles are Dark Silver. Gloves are Dark Blue with Dark Silver armor. Belt is Dark Silver with Dark Blue Ruby as the belt buckle. his pants are black. As for the three part Kilt the left and right are curved inward while the middle one has shape straight. It goes down to the ankle. the Boots are Black.]

Ethan [Thought and Surprised]. What!? How does he do that.

Kalen allowed Ethan next punch before grabbing him from behind and throws him away with a blast of Lightning. It hurts Ethan but doesn't hurt his armor.

Kalen. Hm. Impressive. Your Alchemy Armor manage to absorbs most of my lightning. But your still far from countering my lightning.

Ethan. Well if you would stop phasing through my attacks I would be able counter your lightning better.

Ethan charged back in this time running powerful lightning through his hands and try's to punch Kalen. But he dodged with out much difficulty and phased through the one he missed.

Kalen. If I was to do that then how would you learn to counter it. Beside if you fight another ghost how would you counter them then. Know focus or die.

Kalen land a powerful punch with great speed that launched Ethan away. How ever Ethan regained his footing and remained up right.

Ethan [Thoughts]. Dame it. How's he's doing this? There must be a way to find a way to counter this. Hm. Maybe. Wo!? Well it's worth a shot.

Kalen attacked Ethan forcing him to defend himself. Ethan try's using lightning and Telekinesis blasts to off balance Kalen. But he's unfazed. Ethan uses his Aura Sight as he gets an opening and sees his body's Aura changes.

Ethan [Thoughts]. So that how he's doing it.

Ethan tryed to match Kalen Aura but failed and phased through him. Kalen notices this but does nothing as Ethan phased through him again but managed to shock him a bit with his [Dark Blue] lightning. And was met with Kalen punch to the face landing Ethan on his back.

Kalen [Thoughts]. HM!? He managed to hit me with lightning Impressive. Your training moving along quit well Descendent.

Ethan [Mad]. AHH! What am I doing wrong!?

Kalen. You weren't focusing properly.

Ethan. What do mean! I wasn't?

Kalen. You see in order to counter phase you must be able to match the Aura the user putting out. They can change or increase the Aura through there body. Making it difficult to counter.

Ethan. Is there another way to counter phase.

Kalen. There is by using magic seals. But there useless against powerful phase users.

Ethan. I'll take what I can get so teach me it.

Kalen. Hm. Very well it will give you some advantages over the phantom friend of yours if she decides to kill you.

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