Chapter 2

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chapter 2




    Weibo exploded overnight.

    It is not difficult to choose a name: God! Su Yu is too disgusting, right? Relying on his high status, can he bully people like this? In the photo, Huo Shu was almost crying.

    Husky: Deng Qiu is also an old man in the industry, with a good temper, why would someone like Su Yu be invited to the birthday party?

    The dream is to raise cows: Hahahaha I went upstairs to check Deng Qiu's Weibo, she clarified that what she said meant that she didn't know Su Yu well, and she didn't know why she appeared in this place, what a slap in the face!

    Nanako Matsushima: Su Yu, get out and apologize, why did our sister provoke you?

    Su Yu leaned on the sofa, her slender fingers slid across the screen of the phone, and comments jumped into her eyes.

    "Little ancestor, why did you provoke me again?"

    In the office, Xu Lan sighed and put her hands on the table, "Tell me, how did this Huo Shu offend you." Although

    she has many artists under her command, she can really take the lead The only one is Su Yu.

    Although this girl has a lot of gossip, as her manager, she knows in her heart that although Su Yu has a hot temper, she is not a bad person.

    There are calculations everywhere in the entertainment industry. In the early years, because of her personality, she was splashed with dirty water.

    Up to now, even if they want to wash, they can't wash it for nothing.

    Based on what she knew about Su Yu, it was most likely Huo Shu who provoked her first.

    Huo Shu, Huo Shu...

    Xu Lan muttered a few words, and suddenly felt a little familiar. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he slammed the table, "I just said why the name Huo Shu looks so familiar, so it's her!

    " Remember? As for the script I received for you last time, you weren’t the one who was originally cast as the role, but then that Huo Shu also wanted to get in, didn’t our company try to get it back?”

    "Probably, she remembered this and wanted to pour dirty water on you."

    Xu Lan sneered, "Looking at a plain girl with good means, no wonder she was picked by Director Li." "

    She didn't Offended me, and didn't pour dirty water on me."

    Su Yu yawned, found a comfortable position to lie down, raised her eyes, "You don't know how much those paparazzi love to stare at me, the photo Ten lies and one truth."

    The original owner is a popular little flower, although there are a lot of scandals, but it can't hold up the high traffic, and every word and deed can cause quite a lot of topics.

    Can those paparazzi not keep an eye on her?

    Xu Lan was a little excited, "ps?"

    "No, the angle!"

    Su Yu shook her head, casually summarizing what happened last night.

    Xu Lan sighed and paced back and forth, "Well, let the company issue a statement first, and then I'll contact Huo Shu to see if I can ask her to come out and clarify." After saying that, she rushed out to make a phone call

Today I also want to be the male lead's rival in love (quick time travel)Where stories live. Discover now