Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

    Huo Shu became angrier the more he heard it, he clenched his schoolbag tightly, and yelled at several people, "What nonsense are you talking about,     Su Yu didn't do such a thing." Are you the same?"

    Several girls were chatting happily when they were suddenly interrupted and couldn't help asking.

    "What are you? It's our freedom to chat. What

    's your business?" Mom?"

    "I know Su Yu, her parents don't want her for a long time, she lives by herself, if she doesn't go out to sell, where will she get the money to live?"

    She is thin and thin, and the vigilance in the eyes of several girls Dispersed all of a sudden, not to be outdone, pushed back.

    "No matter what she is, I believe she is better than you villains who can only chew people's tongues behind their backs."

    Huo Shu frowned, and took a step forward, "Why don't you dare to speak in front of her with your abilities? "

    A few girls froze.


    Who didn't know how hot-tempered Su Yu was, so they dared to shout a few times in private, it was really not worth being beaten in front of her.

    "I still didn't dare. I thought you guys were really capable."

    Huo Shu sneered, getting closer step by step, "If I hear you spreading these rumors again, I will definitely tell you all. Su Yu."

    "My name is Huo Shu, from Class Three and Five, if you are not convinced, just come to me."

    Several girls looked at each other, their faces turned blue and red, and they walked away in a hurry.

    After they left, Huo Shu's whole body seemed to be drained of strength, and his heart felt inexplicable pain.

    They said that Su Yu's parents no longer lived with her.

    What about her?

    How had she lived all this time?

    She always felt that she was not very lucky. After all, her father passed away a long time ago, leaving her and her mother alone.

    But looking at it now, compared with Su Yuyi, she seems to be lucky.

    She still has a mother who loves her and loves her, but Su Yu, she has nothing but only one person.

    Thinking of the girl's indifferent and pretty face, she treats everyone with a loose and lazy look, she has a violent temper, and no one dares to provoke her.

    Maybe, this is her protective cover?

    With this indifferent and hostile appearance, no one would dare to bully her.

    She suddenly felt a little sad, such an indifferent girl, in fact, shed that layer of appearance, but she has a sensitive and fragile heart.

    Longing to be loved, to be touched.

    Huo Shu lowered his head and thought for a long time alone.

    "Huo Huo baby, why don't you go home?"

    A girl's smiling voice came from above her head.

    Huo Shu raised his head, and the girl leaned over slightly, her beautiful eyes bent into crescents, and asked her with great interest.

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