Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

    Su Xia withdrew her hand with a guilty conscience, her expression was erratic, and she said falteringly: "I... I didn't do anything."

    "Didn't do anything?"

    Su Yudong looked gloomy, glanced at the two of them, and said coldly: "What? You Still want to hit your sister?"

    "She's not my sister!"

    Su Xia had never been wronged before, and she was angry and anxious, and said indiscriminately: "She's a bitch, and her mother doesn't know what kind of shit it is. , just..."


    Su Yudong slapped her hard, and said angrily, "What a disgrace!" "

    Go back and face the wall and think about it! How dare you sneak out and try without my permission."

    Everyone in the room fell silent.

    Su Yu lifted her lips.

    Su Xia is indeed a brainless person!

    No matter how bad she is, she is also Su Yudong's daughter. If she scolds her like this, where will Su Yudong's old face go?

    After all, the Su family is also one of the four great families in Xiangjiang. If people know that the young lady of the Su family has such an upbringing, if it is spread, it will make people laugh.

    Su Yudong turned around and his face softened, "Yuyu, don't worry about your sister, she is just a child who hasn't grown up."

    Su Yu hummed lightly and smiled, "Don't worry, Dad, I won't care. "

    Su Yudong just nodded, turned and went out the door.


    Su Xia glared at her bitterly, gnashing her teeth, "One day, I will drive you out of the Su family     !


With a smile on her lips, "Come on!"

    She has a fair complexion, slender eyebrows, a pair of peach blossom eyes that are full of affection, and her smile is seductive.

    Su Xia was dazzled, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses and said bitterly: "Fox spirit!"

    Su Yu didn't care, she turned and went upstairs.

    For such an important event as Miss Su's recognition, people from the four major families will almost always be present.

    But because of her arrival, the timeline of this world has completely collapsed, and everything about tomorrow night is still unknown.

    But what is certain is that Jin Licheng will definitely be there.

    Tsk, Jin Licheng must have mixed feelings in his heart after his ex-girlfriend transformed into the daughter of the Su family.

    Su Yu curled her lips, entered the room, poured herself a glass of water, and sat on the sofa to study the information.

    The Jin family, one of the four great families in Xiangjiang.

    Over the years, under Jin Licheng's power, he has risen gradually, faintly showing the posture of being the head of the four giants.

    The other companies may not be willing. If there is an opportunity, they can choose a partner.

    The Su family's idiots don't need to think about it, Huo Shu...

    She paused, thinking of the girl's rascal appearance, sighed, and automatically crossed it out.

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