Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    Su Yu just left the dean's office when she received a phone call.

    Caller ID: Chen Shimei.

    She froze for a moment, and searched for information about this contact in her mind, but she couldn't figure out who was Chen Shimei.

    The original owner had a relationship?

    She thought about it, it shouldn't be possible.

    The original owner had only been in love once, that was with Xu Jincheng.

    Now, because of her arrival, everything has changed, so now she is still a person who has never been in love.

    After being stunned for two seconds, she pressed the connect button, "Hello."

    "You're getting better and better now? You don't even want to answer my phone?" As

    soon as the connection was made, a man's angry voice came from the other end.

    In Su Yu's mind, all the memories about him immediately appeared. The original owner's father, Su Hai, was in charge of a certain company, and he was considered to have a small status in Jincheng.

    After he made his fortune, he chose to divorce because of conflicts with his wife, and then immediately remarried a new wife.

    His new wife gave birth to a son for him. As the daughter of his ex-wife, Su Yu's existence naturally made him even more unpopular.

    She curled her lips and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about? Could it be that I'm not answering your call now?"

    Her tone was loose, revealing such a perfunctory look.

    "What good things have you done in school, tell me the truth!"

    Su Hai snorted coldly, "Why did I hear that you cheated in school? Are you trying to lose my face?

    " I just gave birth to you, a rebellious girl, if you don't save me, I have to worry about you all day long besides work, when will you grow up?" Hearing this, Su Yu lowered her eyes, wanting to

    laugh .

    What he said was really ridiculous. Since he divorced the original owner's mother, he didn't ask anything about the original owner except for sending money regularly every month. Otherwise, the original owner would not be a little girl to imitate the bad.

    "Dad, don't you feel guilty about what you said? You know me best in your heart." "

    You... you want to piss me off, don't you?"

    On the other end, Su Hai was furious and roared.

    Immediately afterwards, there was another soft female voice, "Ah Hai, you too, why are you angry with the child? She is not very old, so you should take it easy." This

    voice, no surprise, was Su Yu's stepmother.

    "Is she still young? I went out to work by myself so early in the morning like her. I didn't ask her to work, at least save me some trouble." "What was

    your age at that time, and what was her age? It's different. Girl, don't ask too much."

    "What's the difference, she just doesn't worry, the child still knows that she is a girl, and hangs out with a group of boys all day, I am embarrassed to say she is my daughter when I go out "

    Stop it, you hurt her so much by saying that."

    Over there, the voices of quarreling kept coming.

Today I also want to be the male lead's rival in love (quick time travel)Where stories live. Discover now