Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

    Yale Francis froze in place.

    Su Yu...Your Majesty!

    This title made him completely cold.

    The title Mianxia is not something that ordinary people can use casually, at least it is a person with a very high status.

    Among blood clans, status is judged by strength.

    Your Majesty Su Yu...

    could there be a blood prince behind Andrew and Julia?

    Thinking of this guess, he was almost breathless.

    Oh, God!

    The blood prince, that is a strong man on the same level as their Pope.

    How could such a big man fall in love with a little human girl?

    "Yale, for the sake of our decades-old friends, let me give you a piece of advice. This person is under the crown of our Su Yu." Andrew paused, and said with a strange smile: "What will happen if you touch her?

    " I think you should be very clear about the consequences."

    Yale Francis' face was gloomy, and he didn't speak.

    Julia also saw the hesitation on his face, and a hint of pride grew in her heart.

    No matter how the big shots in the Holy See are, don't they all depend on Master Su Yu's face?

    She snorted, caught a glimpse of Andrew from the corner of her eye, and said angrily, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you help me up!"

    This trash is really incapable of doing anything.

    Asking him to protect a person can make a mistake, such a person is not worthy of staying in front of Master Su Yu to do things for her.

    When she sees her, she must make a proper complaint.

    Andrew's eyes moved slightly, and he helped her up without saying a word.

    Julia felt more and more complacent, glanced down proudly, then suddenly stopped her gaze on Huo Shu, turned her head and said, "You... go and kill her for me." Huo Shu kept it, and it was always a disaster


    She still remembered that the first time she met Lord Su Yu, it was Huo Shu who caught her eyes.

    Although, I don't know what happened to the two of them behind, but it's not good to keep her after all, in case one day, she thinks of her again.

    Andrew was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head slightly, "Miss Julia, Master Su Yu told me not to harm human beings before going out. If Master Su Yu finds out about the action, we cannot afford the consequences." "What a waste!"


    hated He glanced at him, and slapped him again, "What's the use of you? You don't dare to kill anyone. What are you afraid of when I'm here?"

    Andrew bowed his head silently without saying a word.

    Julia thought he was not pleasing to the eye, so she said nothing with a cold face, but she had already decided in her heart that when she saw Su Yu, she would definitely let her get rid of him.

    Huo Shu looked at them with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

    It's a little sour and boring, and it's more of an emotion called jealousy spreading in the body.

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