Ancient times. White moonlight soft bag queen x evil concubine

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Chapter 87

In early autumn, there was a light rain, and even the air was slightly cool.

Several newly introduced begonias in the Royal Garden are blooming brightly, and the petals are wet by the rain, making them more beautiful and delicate.

Outside the Changning Palace, all the maids, big and small, knelt on the ground.

"The Empress really has a deep affection for Your Majesty. She fainted in a hurry when she heard the news of His Majesty's accident. Unfortunately, Your Majesty..." "If you want me to say,

all this has to be blamed on Concubine Huo Guifei. Deliberately trying to seduce..."

"Speak carefully! You can also talk about the affairs of the imperial concubine and empress?"


There was a dead silence outside the door again.

In the dormitory, the woman leaning on the soft couch rubbed the center of her brows, barely sat up with her body propped up, and the brocade quilt on her body slipped to the ground.


His tongue was dry, and he lost all strength.

The goddess Gong who was waiting beside her was overjoyed, and poured a glass of water for her, "Your Majesty, you are finally awake."

Su Yu sipped her saliva to moisten her throat, and hummed in a neutral tone.

"You've been in a coma for a day and a night, but you've frightened the servants."

The palace maid said with red eyes, choked with sobs, "Chun Xia knows that you value His Majesty, but you also have to take care of yourself."

A few simple words reveal a lot of information.

But Su Yu was not in a hurry, so she hummed and told her to go down, before whispering in her heart: "Tie Hammer, give me the memory of this world." [

Good host. 】

A few minutes later, Su Yu finally accepted the memory.

This is a completely fictional ancient world, without the slightest logic at all, and it is another Mary Su brainless novel that was popular a few years ago.

"The Prince Regent's Favorite: The Concubine Never Wants to Escape"

After the heroine became the general, she had acquainted with the male second (His Majesty) and the male regent since she was a child, and attracted the love of the two of them with her stunning beauty. She was forced to enter the palace by imperial decree and became the Concubine Huo of Jingming Palace.

Unexpectedly, in order to prevent the second male lead from having thoughts about her, the male lead directly sent someone to drug the second male lead, making the second male lead who was already in poor health go into a coma. The title of a demon concubine. And she is the sad second female in the house, the only daughter of the prime minister, who has been doted on in every possible way since she was a child, but she just fell in love with the second male, so she insisted on marrying the second male. Relying on the status of the family, after the male second ascended the throne, he became a queen. Unfortunately, the male second believed that it was because of her that the female lead had no feelings for him, and hated her extremely. Not only did he never touch her after getting married , I haven't even met a few times. Fortunately, the original owner has a gentle personality, treats people kindly, and doesn't take it seriously at all. He treats the male second wholeheartedly. He can be called a generation of virtuous queens and has been praised by many people. Su Yu didn't turn over the memory later, and she felt a little headache, "Tie Hammer, are you sure you didn't make a mistake when importing it?" Empress Xian? She... never did it! You can make her any vicious concubine, but... a virtuous queen, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't fit her personality. 【Host, you can doubt my character, but you must never doubt my professional ethics. 】 Su Yu was silent for a moment, "But last time you..." On the other end, Iron Hammer instantly became angry from embarrassment. [Go away! Heroes don't mention being brave back then, that was in the past...! ! ! ] She hooked her lips and stopped teasing it. Forget it, let the queen be the queen. If you are used to being a bad person, just change your taste and be a good person once. Just as she was thinking about it, Chun Xia walked in quickly and said excitedly, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty... Your Majesty is awake." Su Yu came back to her senses: "Oh."

Chun Xia was taken aback, a little unsure of what she meant, "Your Majesty, don't you... don't you want to go and see Your Majesty?" In

normal times, no matter what, Your Majesty will never be forgotten by Your Majesty.

His Majesty's affairs are the most important affairs of Changning Palace.

This sentence, everyone who entered Changning Palace knew it by heart.

Why today...

"I'm not going."

Su Yu pressed the center of her eyebrows, showing a little tiredness.

I don't know if it's because the original owner of this world fell ill once, or because he passed through. This body is very tired, and it's tiring to move.

Compared with the omnipotence of the previous world, this world is too weak.

For a while, she was still a little uncomfortable.

Look at the male second? Go dreaming!

She hid the ridicule in her heart, raised her head and smiled, "By the way, you can pick some gifts and send them to Jingming Palace."

Chun Xia was taken aback again.

Isn't Jingming Palace...the place of Concubine Huo?

Could it be that the empress forgot? After hesitating for a while, she still reminded: " Your Majesty

, Jingming Palace is the place of the Huo family." You are so frightened, go and send something to comfort you." "Ma'am..." Chun Xia's tone was a little anxious, and her voice raised unconsciously, "Have you forgotten how she snatched His Majesty away? " You like Your Majesty so much, do you just watch another person take him away?" She has been with the original owner since she was a child, and she is very familiar with her. A little bold and presumptuous. "Spring and summer!"

Su Yu lowered her eyes, played with the jade bracelet in her hand, and said in a deep voice: "If you can't do this, go and call Qiu Dong in." Chun Xia's complexion changed drastically, and he knelt down with a plop, and kowtowed desperately, "Madam,

I I'm wrong, I won't dare next time, don't want Chun Xia, Chun Xia has been with you since childhood, if you don't, Chun Xia doesn't know what to do." Her eyes were red, and her voice seemed choked


Su Yu sighed softly, "Get up."

"I don't mean to blame you, I have known about your loyalty for a long time, but I have my own plan for this matter."

With the previous lesson, Chun Xia didn't dare to say anything more, and got up from the ground after answering.

Watching her leave, Su Yu slowly leaned back again, picked up the cold tea and drank it in one gulp.

If you don't play tricks, how can you see that little girl?

In this world, the character of the little girl is not so easy to deceive, but... as a human being, there is always a little curiosity.

She believed that the little girl must also be very curious about her "soft bag" queen.

If she took the initiative to give gifts, if the other party didn't come, it would be embarrassing for her as a queen.

Huo can't do that.

The next thing to do is to wait for the news.

More than half an hour later, Chun Xia came in hurriedly, "Madam, the things have been sent to the master of Jingming Palace according to your order."

Su Yu, who was half-closed, opened her eyes, "That's what she said?"

"The imperial concubine said that she will come to see you later."

Chun Xia looked up at her, with a gratified tone, "The empress's move is really good. It not only killed Huo Guifei's prestige, but also did not lose her generosity!"

" This time, I'm afraid everyone in the palace will look at you differently."

Today I also want to be the male lead's rival in love (quick time travel)Where stories live. Discover now