Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    Su Yu's little baby: Huo Shu? she? No no no!

    Huo Shu was being ashamed, when he saw this news suddenly, he was annoyed, and asked angrily: Why can't it work? The two are clearly a good match!

    Su Yu's fifty-second wife: I don't think so either. It's not like you haven't seen the hot search last time. You probably want to touch our sister.

    Eating fish without spitting spines: No, last time their fans scolded our sister, I don't stand for this CP!

    Love to drink Yakult: +1.

    Huo Shu was about to cry.


    Those old women can do it, but she can't!

    She bit her lip and tried to justify herself: I...I think Huo Shu and her sister have a very good relationship. You didn't watch it last time. Did she still help her sister clarify?

    Su Yu's little baby: Tch, is that the pressure from the company, okay?

    Huo Shu pouted aggrievedly.

    It's not like this!

    She took the initiative to stand up.

    Eating fish without spitting spines: Wait a minute, are you Huo Shu's fan?

    Su Yu's little baby: Definitely! Didn't you read her name? Huo Huo, it must be Huo Shu, is this still a CP fan?

    Eat fish without spitting spines: kick it!

    Huo Shu:? ? ?

    Before she could react, she received a Weibo message.

    [You have been removed from Su Yu's official support club by the administrator]

    Huo Shu cried angrily.

    "Why kick me!"

    "This is prejudice! What's wrong with Huo Shu? He's a good match for his sister!"

    Huo Shu muttered for a while, then resigned himself to his fate and continued to apply.

    [The administrator refuses to let you join Su Yu's official support club]

    Huo Shu: ...

    If you don't enter, you don't enter!

    What's the big deal?

    Huo Shu gritted his teeth bitterly, clicked on the search, searched for a while, and entered Huo Shu Suyu's chat.

    It will snow in winter: my elder sister and younger sister really match my face, oh, oh, oh, oh, let Emperor Wu of Han go away, let them fall in love, okay?

    Huo Shu's mood suddenly turned cloudy.

    Well, have eyes!

    Finally found a group of like-minded friends.

    She bent her eyes and replied: Agreed!

    After replying, Huo Shu was satisfied, but immediately thought of something, threw himself on the bed, feeling annoyed.

    "Ahhhhh what am I doing?"

    "I...why did I treat Sister Su Yu... ahhh I'm dead."

    At first, she thought that her attitude towards Su Yu was the same as that of her sister, but now, after hearing what they said , she seems to think it is not.

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