West. Paranoid vampire duke x fair and soft human girl

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Chapter 70

"Dong dong dong!"

The solemn and solemn bell rang again and again in the ancestral house. In the luxurious and exquisite hall, everyone looked serious.

"Worship the ancestors!"

Various offerings were continuously brought up by the maids, and the rich blood was filled in the blood pool tens of meters wide in the center, and the orange lights printed on the top layer looked viscous and terrifying.

On the high platform for ancestor worship, dozens of elders presided over the ancestor worship ceremony in an orderly manner.

"Human blood hunting again? This time, which city did you break?"

A casual sneer sounded from the railing on the second floor.

All the blood races raised their heads, and there was a beautiful woman sitting on the railing.

She looks about twenty, wearing a retro gorgeous dark purple dress, a head of blood-red long hair hanging on the ground, holding a goblet in her pale hand, the scarlet liquid against her complexion, more and more prominent Thrillingly beautiful.

The ancestor worship ceremony, everyone in the Carroll family, even the sick must participate.

Only this woman was a special case. None of these elders dared to say no to such presumptuous behavior.

Dozens of elders looked at each other and smiled wryly: "Old Ancestor, this is a ritual that has been passed down since ancient times. We also act according to the precepts of the blood clan. If you..." "Bring out the set of precepts to scare me?" The


sneered With a cry, he jumped down from the second floor and walked out of the hall in a grand manner.

"Go ahead, next time in front of me, don't blame me for demolishing this place."

Dozens of elders looked at each other.

"This... the ancestor's temper is a bit too strange. Hunting and killing living sacrifices is the code of commandments of our clan. What does it touch her?" "Shh, who knows, maybe the


"Shut up !Continue hosting."

Su Yu walked out of the hall, supported herself with one hand, and jumped straight onto the high tower of the ancestral house.

It has been the third day since she came to this world, and she is still not quite used to the behavior of the Carroll family.

Hunting and killing humans is normal, occasionally leading a group of people to siege cities and plunder land, and take a lot of blood. At least she woke up and saw it no less than three times.

The Carol family is a blood family, and one of the thirteen blood families. It has a great reputation in the west, making countless blood families fearful.

This is her fifth mission world, a world of doomsday. The original owner is the ancestor of the Western Carol family, a blood clan with the least strength as a duke, who fell in love with the male protagonist at a blood clan dinner, that is, the Bryan family The marquis who was born, later willingly gave his blood for him, and was finally swallowed by the male lead and died.

Thinking of the heroine again...

Su Yu's expression was gloomy. In the last world, she waited until she died without waiting for Huo Shu to come back. She didn't know what happened to Huo Shu later.

Today I also want to be the male lead's rival in love (quick time travel)Where stories live. Discover now