Chapter 109

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Chapter 109

    The elder of Qingcheng Sect frowned and glanced.

    The little girl was not very old, but she was born with red lips and white teeth, cute and cute, her eyes were bright and lively, and she was lovable.

    Apart from being cute, he didn't find anything attractive when he looked left and right.

    What exactly did the Demon Eater see in her?

    But one thing is for sure, the other party is not a fool, dare to ask for a disciple, there must be some mystery in it.

    He pondered for a while, and said: "Fellow Daoist, this is the day when my Qingcheng sect accepts disciples. If I let you, I'm afraid the suzerain will not be able to explain it." The implication is that there is nothing to talk about


    The black-robed man was straightforward, "Since that's the case, don't blame me for being rude."

    After saying that, he struck out suddenly, his hands forming claws, sharp as knives, and thick black mist gushed out of him, billowing like smoke.

    As soon as he made a move, it was extremely powerful.

    The elder of the Qingcheng Sect could naturally see the power of this, and hurriedly dodged, and received his claw forcefully, his face turned pale, and his body retreated violently.

    At the same time, a sharp horror spit out from his mouth, "Fellow Daoist, please go ahead!"

    The voice was shrill, as if he had suffered a lot.

    The black-robed man glanced at him, ignored him, stomped his foot, and shot away with his strength, one move after another, the speed of his shots could not be seen clearly, only afterimages could be seen.

    The elder of Qingcheng Sect's face was so pale that he could only force himself to respond.

    He wasn't very good at fighting, and he wasn't from the lineage of Sword Immortal. Moreover, the Qingcheng School had always focused on Talisman and Dao, so how could he be the opponent of the Devil Eater School, who crawled out of a place that cannibalize people without spitting out bones.


    Suddenly, an old cough sounded.

    A copper-brown crutch was suddenly stretched out in front of the two of them. It looked ordinary, but it completely took off their offensive.

    The two looked together.

    I don't know when there was an old man in the same place, looking very old, wearing a rich brown robe, hunched over, leaning on a walking stick in his hand, shaking his head, "Old, old." But I saw him just now

    . The people parted, who dared to underestimate him, and immediately asked respectfully: "Dare to ask senior's name." The

    old man didn't answer, coughed again and said slowly: "Why did the Demon Devourer's hand stretch out here? ?”

    The black-robed man didn’t dare to underestimate him, and immediately said: “At the order of the suzerain, I came out to search for some good seedlings.” “The

    old devil of the Demon Devouring Sect, hehe, it really hasn’t changed.”

    The old man smiled, and turned his eyes again. Turning to the elder of the Qingcheng Sect, "What about you?"

    The elder of the Qingcheng Sect bent over, and replied sternly: "I was ordered to kill the demon, and

    take in disciples by the way. " , for fear of accidentally provoking the devil in front of him.

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