Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    There are so many people in the test hall that you can't see the end at a glance.

    All kinds of delicate and beautiful girls waited anxiously. Today is the moment that determines whether they can change their destiny.

    Huo Shu bowed his head, holding his thin white fingers together.

    Like countless young girls, her mood is also complicated and disturbed.

    Sometimes, only when the power is in your own hands can you not panic and worry that your uncle's family will be retaliated at any time.

    "The elders of the church are here."

    A suppressed whisper came from the front.

    Huo Shu also raised his head, and under the leadership of the college leaders, a group of people in white robes walked slowly towards this side.

    They were of different ages, but most of them were old men with kind faces, which made the tense atmosphere in the lobby much less.

    The dean bent slightly, turned his head and said in a low voice, "My lord, these are the people who participated in the selection this year." "

    They are all good."

    One of the old men in white robes with gold trim nodded with a smile, "Richard, you But you have taught a group of good seedlings for the Holy

    See." Dean Richard Bob trembled, and he couldn't say a word when he was excited, "It is the light of God that covers the earth, it is..." "

    Dean, I have something to report Before

    he finished speaking, a girl in a golden skirt suddenly walked out of the crowd, knelt down on one knee, and shouted loudly.

    After being interrupted, Richard Bob was a little displeased. He turned around and found that it was Julia. His face softened slightly, and he reprimanded him: "Julia Andy, you are so brave. There are so many adults from the Holy See here. How dare you be so presumptuous? Back off quickly!"


    Julia was a little unwilling, but seeing his serious expression, she gritted her teeth and backed off.

    "Richard, you are too rigid, why don't you listen to this little girl?"

    The old man looked at Julia and said kindly, "Little guy, your name is Julia, right? Did something happen to you? Just say it out, and we will make the decision for you." Julia was startled, without any hesitation, and said word by

    word : "My lord, my classmate Huo Shu colluded with that damned vampire!" The old man was startled, and then narrowed his eyes suddenly, "Little guy     , do you

    have evidence for what you said?"

What kind of consequences will people have?"

    "I know."

    Julia nodded affirmatively, and said in a deep voice: "I yearn for light and gods since I was a child, and I will never allow anyone in the land where I live to collude with vampires. Please, my lords, Thorough investigation."

    The old man was silent for a while, then looked down, "Who is Huo Shu?"

    For a moment, all eyes turned to the girl in the middle who looked dazed.

    "You are Huo Shu?"

    A gentle voice rang in his ear.

    Huo Shu came back to his senses, looked at the old man's expression and nodded.

Today I also want to be the male lead's rival in love (quick time travel)Where stories live. Discover now