Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

    Overnight, Jin Licheng's love affair spread throughout Xiangjiang.

    At the memorial service for the mistress of the Su family, the second young lady of the Su family was raped. Why didn't everyone talk about it.

    Afterwards, Su Xia sat on the sofa, covered her face and cried, "I don't know what happened. I was changing clothes when he rushed in. I...resisted desperately, but...but I couldn't get rid of him no matter what. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


    _ After such a trouble, how can I marry someone?"

    "Don't be afraid, Xia Xia, we will definitely uphold justice for you."

    Su Yu patted her on the back, looked up at Su Yudong, "Dad, we can't Sit back and watch, Xia Xia's innocence can't be ruined just like that." "

    Furthermore, this matter broke out at Aunt Du's memorial service. If I just sit back and watch, everyone will despise our Su family."

    Su Yujin lit a cigarette, her face was very gloomy.

    In essence, he didn't want to confront Jin Licheng, the Jin family was much stronger than them.

    But...Jin Licheng did such a terrible thing, and there was such a commotion that he couldn't help it if he wanted to be private.

    "I see."

    He took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Officer Zhang, I'm bothering you. This is exactly what my family Xia Xia said. I hope the superintendent can severely punish such wicked people." He paused, then

    said : "My family, Xia Xia, is still underage."

    Su Yu raised her head suddenly.

    This is... to punish Jin Licheng to death?

    But for a moment, she wanted to understand Su Yudong's intentions.

    Right now, Jin Licheng has been offended to death, and there is no good way but to punish him to death.

    Putting together the strength of the entire Su family, although Jin Licheng cannot be imprisoned, at least... he can be squatted.

    After a few years, everything changed.


    Officer Zhang's cell phone rang.


    I didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone, but I saw his face became more serious, and finally hung up with a hum.

    "Mr. Su, don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter." "

    That's troublesome."

    "You're welcome, this is what we should do."

    Su Yu thought for a while, with some guesses in her heart.

    Probably, what Jiang Shengzhou did took effect.

    Jin Licheng is too busy to take care of himself at the moment, how can he think that someone will secretly fuck him.

    Watching him leave, Su Yudong's face darkened completely, and he slapped him, "Bitch! Are you so impatient to climb up Jinli City?" Su Xia was stunned, covering her face with a slightly tingly

    voice Crying, "Dad, what are you talking

    about?" "You don't know what I said?"

    Su Yudong was anxious, and the more he looked at her, the more unpleasant he became, "I still don't know what you are? Maybe he has his eyes on you."

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