Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

    At eight o'clock     the next

    morning, Su Yudong put down the tableware, raised his head and smiled and asked, "Yuyu, what did you think about what I told you yesterday?"

    Su Yu paused slightly, lowered her head and said nothing.

    "You child, your father asked you something, why didn't you say anything?"

    Du Xue patted her with reproach on her face, "Quick, don't make your father angry."


    Su Xia fell with a bang Putting down the chopsticks, her face was ugly, "Dad and the two of them are talking, what are you messing with?"

    She heard everything last night!

    Dad didn't love her at all. In the past, all those favors were hypocritical, and he didn't look down on her at all.

    He belittled her to nothing, and in his heart, she was inferior to Su Yu in everything.

    He knew that she wanted to marry Jiang Shengzhou, but he let Su Yu take her place.

    That was the boy she had grown up with for the first time, how could he be so cruel.

    Su Xia clenched her hands tightly, feeling more and more hatred in her heart.

    Su Yudong glanced at her with a slight displeasure, and then cast his gaze on Su Yu, "If you haven't considered it well, then think about it more, but you must give me an answer within a week at the latest." He paused, as

    if Jokingly, "Otherwise, I'll make the decision for you haha."

    Su Yu bowed her head and hummed.

    Su Qi glanced at the people on the table, trying to smooth things over, and changed the topic with a smile, "Dad, there is an auction in the north of the city tonight, so I won't be coming back tonight." "Are you fooling around with your cronies?


    Su Yu Dong snorted coldly, and slammed the table, "How old are you? You go out to fool around all day, can you give me some advice on the company's affairs?" "

    Dad, this time it's not friends, Jin Licheng and Jiang Shengzhou will go."

    Su Qi defended himself confidently, and then said mysteriously: "I heard that it is a piece of exquisite jewelry in Europe that is going to be auctioned, and the price has been skyrocketed." Su Xia's eyes lit up, and she didn't care about getting angry

    . Quickly said: "Dad, I want to participate too."

    Su Yudong was in a displeased mood, and scolded after hearing the words: "What are girls doing so frizzy all day long? "

    Su Xia was so scolded that she couldn't say anything, "I..."

    "Miss, this is your courier."

    The maid approached with a gift box and said respectfully, "It's from the Jiang family. You are invited to attend at night." Auction."


    Su Yu glanced at it, "Push it away."

    "Your child, I love you."

    Su Yudong shook his head and said to the maid, "Let's put it down first."

    The maid responded With a sound, he put down the gift box and quietly backed out.

    Su Yudong's face softened slightly, and his tone was as gentle as possible, "Why don't you go?" "

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