Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

    Dick Bryan's death notified the entire blood family, and also a reminder to countless families.

    If you want to become fat in one bite, you have to see if you have the appetite, don't die like Dick Bryan.

    A prince who had just been promoted and was murdered at the promotion banquet, he was the first one, and all kinds of rumors and rumors were flying everywhere.

    Su Yu didn't bother to pay attention to the rumors spread by these people, so she took time to visit Huo Cheng, and told him by the way that Huo Shu was fine.

    When the deadline is approaching, people seem to be explaining the funeral in everything they do.

    During the days when Huo Shu was sleeping, no one was watching, Su Yu became more and more unscrupulous, leading the Carol family's army to attack the Holy See again and again.

    She thought about provoking the Pope and clearing up some threats for Huo Shu.

    It's a pity, though, that so many times that Pope still hasn't shown up, as if he didn't know it was going to happen.

    Her madness also made many families guess something.

    "That old guy from the Carroll family is going to die."

    "Tsk tsk tsk, this is paving the way for the Carroll family. It doesn't look like it's going to work."

    "How about... try?"

    Not long after, Several thousand-year-old dukes sneaked into the ancient castle of the Carroll family, and never came out again. They were all fed to Crest Carroll by Su Yu.

    Perhaps influenced by the original owner, she has a good impression of the Carol family, so she naturally doesn't want the whole family to be killed if she leaves.

    The human skins of several thousand-year-old dukes were given to those families by Su Yu one by one, and by the way, they were uprooted, and the family castle was completely destroyed.

    This deterrence made most people in the blood clan a lot more honest.

    With no certainty that Su Yu will die, a blood prince is equivalent to a knife hanging over everyone's heads, and it may fall at any time.

    Su Yu has already handed over all the important matters in the family to Kleist Carroll. He doesn't care about them at all, but arrests people for him regularly every day, and the minimum is the Marquis.

    She roughly estimated that if he kept raising him like this, and then gave some of his own blood, he would become a prince sooner or later.

    As the days passed, Su Yu counted, and the bright moon in front of the window set and rose again.

    The breath of aging in her body became more and more serious, and she couldn't control it at all. Her long blood-red hair turned into white hair, but her appearance had not changed, which was somewhat comforting.

    After another few decades, Su Yu's face began to develop wrinkles, as if she had aged in an instant.

    Everyone envies the long lifespan of the blood race, and how many people know that if you can't survive those, you will be deprived of all your youth in an instant.

    Su Yu was afraid that the little girl would be frightened when she saw her appearance when she left the customs, so she ordered someone to build a coffin and put herself in the coffin, so that she felt that her aging speed was a little slower.

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