Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

    The hardest thing to bear is beauty!

    Su Yu still couldn't leave tonight, the little girl was crying and tugging at the corner of her clothes, acting coquettishly and making a fuss, which made people really uneasy.

    On the second day, Su Yu took her luggage and went back to the apartment rented by the company.

    Huo Shu seemed to have figured it out, and didn't chase after him again.

    For the next half a month, everything was going on as usual in the filming of the crew, and the two met in the crew, and they were just nodding acquaintances.

    While Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a little bit lost.

    After staying for a long time, she got used to that little girl, and it seemed a little unnatural to leave suddenly.

    She hasn't figured out how to deal with Huo Shu's problem, but right now, it's really not suitable for the two of them to live together.

    What's more, she has to wait for Ren Qianqiu.

    She believes that she will come to her, just like Ling Qingqing, there is no one to rely on except her.

    However, Ren Qianqiu is better than Ling Qingqing.

    At least, Ren Qianqiu hated Cheng Chen from the bottom of his heart!

    At five o'clock in the afternoon, the crew called it a day.

    Yesterday, there was a weather forecast saying that it would rain today, and as soon as I got out of the car, it started to rain lightly.

    Su Yu frowned, opened the umbrella, and stepped on the ground with her slender high heels, splashing a small splash of water.

    "Excuse me, how can I get to Unit 1,

    Building 2?" Not far behind, a girl's timid voice sounded familiar.

    Su Yu stopped and turned to look.

    Inside the security booth, a girl was holding an umbrella and asking for directions. Her facial features were soft, but her brows were cold. The appearance of two diametrically opposite temperaments made people reluctant to look away.

    "Ah, it's right there, you'll be there about a hundred meters ahead."

    "Thank you."

    Ren Qianqiu thanked him politely, and as soon as he turned around, he bumped into Su Yu who was not far away.

    She was wearing a dark long skirt with hips, with a slim figure and a charming face under the umbrella. Even if it was raining, it couldn't take away half of her color.

    "Su Yu."

    Ren Qianqiu clenched her lips, feeling embarrassed for a moment, but the embarrassment was forgotten by her in an instant.

    She breathed out, clenched the handle of the umbrella, and walked towards Su Yu.

    When she was only two steps away from her, Ren Qianqiu bent over and suddenly knelt down.

    "Please help me!"

    She knelt down on the ground, humbled to the extreme.

    Su Yu was slightly stunned and didn't help her, so she looked at her leisurely, a little distracted, "Why, figured it out?"

    Ren Qianqiu hummed, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know why the news got out, those loan sharks, They came to our house again."



    Su Yu interrupted her, raising her eyelids slightly, "Get up."

    Her tone was very lax, as if she didn't care.

    Ren Qianqiu's heart turned cold, and his body froze instantly. Thinking of his parents again, he squeezed his palms tightly, "If you don't agree, I won't get up."

    Su Yu brushed her hair and smiled casually, "Moral kidnapping?"

    Ren Qianqiu She blushed in embarrassment, "No, I...I didn't mean that, listen to me..."

    Before finishing speaking, a faint voice sounded.

    "Follow me!"

    Ren Qianqiu suddenly raised his head, only to see a slender and moving figure from his back.

    Her eyes were slightly red, and she responded with a quick follow.

    When she got home, Su Yu finished changing her shoes and went straight to the bathroom.

    Ren Qianqiu carefully took off his shoes and entered the door, wiped the rainwater from his forehead, feeling a little embarrassed.

    When Su Yu came out of the bathroom, she immediately saw the anxious girl in front of the entrance.

    She hooked her lips, a little wanting to laugh.

    This little girl was hostile to her at first, but now she saw that she was only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

    Su Yu regained her senses, threw the towel in her hand to her, and found another set of clothes, "What are you doing in a daze? Go take a shower!"

    Ren Qianqiu nodded foolishly, and went into the bathroom.

    When I came out, it was already six o'clock.

    Ren Qianqiu blushed slightly, sat on the sofa, and whispered: "You...can..."

    Su Yu crossed her legs and interrupted her directly, "How much is owed?"

    "Fifteen...five million."

    "Owing so much?"

    Su Yu raised her eyebrows, "Your sister should not owe so much money, she is not stupid, she knows that lending usury will do her no harm."

    Ren Qianqiu's eyes were red, and she whispered: " We also suspected it, but...but the other party has those photos of my sister, and they said that as long as they don't give money, they will post the photos of my sister on the Internet." "Have you seen the photos?" "



    Su Yu leaned back , chuckled and asked: "Then you still dare to move? Aren't you

    afraid that they will directly put your sister's photo on the Internet?

    " They are going to arrest me, my parents have no choice but to take me to move." "

    This time, this time I was found, my dad was broken in the ribs to protect me, and he is still in the hospital Live."

    Speaking of this, Ren Qianqiu couldn't help it, and lay down on his stomach, sobbing softly.

    Su Yu sighed lightly.

    Cheng Chen really wanted to kill them all!

    This method was 100% done by Cheng Chen, Ren Qianxia is not that stupid, he will not be trapped in a cocoon, and borrow usury.

    These people were probably hired by Cheng Chen to threaten Ren Qianqiu's family, and they also gave up their desire for revenge.

    After all, it is impossible for the Ren family to set up another dead daughter for the sake of another.

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