Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    【Ding! The target appears, please pay attention to the host! 】

    Su Yu raised her eyelids slightly.

    Cheng Chen walked back with a sullen face.

    "Tsk, is it enough to let off

    steam at Ling Qingqing?" She snorted lightly, playing with the fan one after another, the bright red nails and the exquisite embroidery on the fan complemented each other perfectly, the laziness seemed to overflow from her bones, Very delicate.


    Cheng Chen called her hoarsely.

    Su Yu's face froze, and when she raised her head again, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, which was extremely moving.

    "How's the talk going?"

    Cheng Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded as if remembering something, "It's okay, senior Ling has already agreed to introduce me."

    Su Yu said oh.

    Her side face is exquisite, her chin is curved gracefully, and her neck looks white and slender.

    Cheng Chen suddenly felt dry mouth, and his voice was a little hoarse, "Yuyu, I miss you."

    Su Yu raised her eyebrows, "Huh?"

    "I want to hug you."


    Su Yu Taking a step back, the circles of her eyes turned red, "Did you not take my words to heart?" "

    There are so many people in the crew, do you want our scandals to spread all over the sky?"

    She turned her head away, shoulders slightly Trembling, voice trembling, seems to be able to cry at any time.

    Cheng Chen's heart softened, and he coaxed in a low voice, "Okay, I was wrong, can you stop crying?

    " , My heart aches when you cry."

    His voice was soft and soft, capable of drowning people.

    Su Yu froze.

    Cheng Chen felt that there was something to be played, and said again: "Yuyu, I promise that next time I will definitely..." "

    Mr. Cheng, your role has arrived."

    The stage manager shouted, and said: "Director Wang is urging you, hurry up."

    Cheng Chen Chen responded, and then glanced at Su Yu who had his back turned to him. After thinking about it, he still got up and walked out.

    The footsteps gradually faded away.

    Su Yu turned her ears and asked in her heart: "Tie Hammer, is Cheng Chen gone?"

    [Leave early. 】

    Su Yu heaved a sigh of relief, and burst out laughing, "Damn! This scumbag, where does he have the confidence to think that I have a deep affection for him?" [Why is he the

    hero? 】

    "You're right, I don't have the ability to be narcissistic."

    Su Yu agreed, and asked, "How is he going to deal with Ling Qingqing?"

    [The plot of the original book, I think about it myself. ]

    "Find someone to expose the video?"

    [Hmm. 】

    Su Yu tilted her head, a little puzzled, "Isn't he afraid of making Qingqing jump over the wall?"

    【In Cheng Chen's heart, Ling Qingqing doesn't have such courage, and she will never go against his ideas. 】

    Su Yu: ...


    If she hadn't appeared and said those words to Ling Qingqing, Ling Qingqing might have obeyed without any resistance at all, and then was killed by Cheng Chen.

    In this world, no one knows Cheng Chen's true face anymore, he is still the respected three-gold actor.

    "It's a beautiful idea."

    Su Yu sneered, grabbed her bag and left the set without saying a word.

    Cheng Chen wants to make a big move, who wouldn't?

    "Hammer, do you know PS?"

    Hammer:? ? ?

    "Who doesn't know how to spread rumors?"

    Su Yu lifted her eyelids slightly, and explained casually: "You should know that in my previous life, there were too many such things that were created out of nothing. It doesn't really matter, as long as the netizens believe it."

    [Host, you are right. ]

    "So do you know how to ps?"

    【...No, but... I can learn. 】

    Su Yu smiled slyly, "I knew that a system that doesn't know PS is not a good system, come on Hammer, I trust you."

    Hammer:? ? ?

    Su Yu stopped a car, sat in the back seat and said, "Just go online and download a few love action movies, put Cheng Chen's face on it, and then find a media that is afraid of chaos in the world and send it to them. You can wait for the good show."

    [Netizens don't believe it, why...? ]

    Iron Hammer asked subconsciously.

    But immediately, he realized his own personality, and swallowed that what to do.

    Su Yu yawned, but she didn't get annoyed, and explained patiently: "Believe it or not, the seeds of doubt have come out. Cheng Chen wants to go away in the future, and there will be no scandals, and no one will believe the infatuated and single-minded movie king character." Hammer

    : ...

    It always feels that this host looks more like a system than it does.

    She is so powerful, the hammer is suddenly so humble.

    It just took office, the first host, and met this kind of full-level player.

    too difficult!

    【good. ]

    Iron Hammer sighed resignedly, and hurried away again.

    At two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yu rushed to Ren Qianxia's house.

    This is a residential area built in the early years. The environment is simple, the facilities are aging, and the gray walls are slightly cracked. Looking from the outside to the inside, there is such a smell of dying years.

    Su Yu frowned slightly.

    No matter what Ren Qianxia said, she was popular for a while at that time, even if she died, her family would not live in this kind of place.

    However, the address Ling Qingqing gave should be correct.

    Su Yu lowered her head and glanced at the note, and with a little effort, the note was put into the palm of her hand.

    Right or wrong, you have to go to find out.

    "Bang bang bang."

    After a few minutes of ringing, the door was pulled open, revealing a slightly tired face, "Who is it?"

    Su Yu pursed her lips and smiled, "Hello, Auntie, I am Qian Xia's friend. ..."

    Before he finished speaking, the door was closed with a "bang".

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