Chapter 89

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Chapter 89


    Chun Xia responded, stepped forward and slapped Concubine Hui severely, and with just one slap, that delicate little face immediately became red and swollen.

    "You, you..."

    Concubine Hui stared at her, without saying a word for a long time.

    She didn't expect that a little court lady would actually dare to slap her mouth?

    Her chest heaved up and down in anger, and she scolded angrily, "You are so brave!"

    Chun Xia retreated to Su Yu's side without showing any emotion.

    "Sister Hui..."

    Su Yu stepped forward and said with a light smile, "You are not a newcomer who has just entered the palace. You know what you should say and what you should not say.

    " The harem is peaceful, I don't want to cause trouble, and please sister Hui don't make it difficult for

    me." "As long as I don't die, I will still be the master of the harem!"

    Concubine Hui covered her face, she was so angry that she didn't dare to say anything.

    Su Yu raised her lips and walked forward again, "Sister Hui, what do you think?"

    Concubine Hui gritted her teeth and said word by word: "The empress taught me that!"


    Su Yu waved her hand, He motioned her to back down.

    "The concubine resigns!"

    Concubine Hui left with a cold face, leading a group of people.

    Watching her leave, Su Yu couldn't help but chuckle.

    She is just the emperor's cousin, if it wasn't for the empress dowager, how could she be able to sit in the position of noble concubine.

    The original owner also had such a good temper that some of the concubines in the palace didn't take her seriously at all.

    Concubine Hui is one of them.

    She leans against the queen mother and is the emperor's cousin. With this relationship, she often shows off her might in the harem. In front of her, the queen, she also calls herself the queen, despising the queen's authority.

    This slap did not hurt her at all.

    Don't let the emperor know about it, even if it comes to the empress dowager, she won't be able to take it for granted.

    Just as she was thinking, she suddenly noticed a gaze falling on her.

    Su Yu came back to her senses and caught a glimpse of Huo Shu looking at her with a complicated expression.

    She hooked her lips and gave her a gentle smile, "Sister Hui has a more impulsive personality. I have already reprimanded her. If this kind of thing happens again next time, you can tell me.

    " That move was clearly helping her.

    But...why would she do that?

    She had heard people say that this empress had a deep love for the emperor, but...if it was true, she would be even more disgusted when she saw her.

    How could he still make such a move?

    She thought for a while, but she didn't have any idea, so she put away her thoughts and bowed her body, "Thank you, empress

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