Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

    Huo Cheng spoke first, with a bright smile on his face, "I don't mind, I don't mind."

    After saying that, he turned around and rubbed his wrists and sneered, "You guys talk first, I need to talk to Lu Renxing about something.

    " Dare to move on his head.

    Lu Renxing might not know how to write the word Huo Cheng.

    There was no light bulb, so Su Yu was naturally happy. She told Chun Xing to wait aside, and walked away graciously holding Huo Shu's hand.

    Two people walking side by side, and no one else was present, the atmosphere inevitably became dull.

    Huo Shu was a little uncomfortable, and bit his lips, "You..."

    Su Yu interrupted her, dragged her to the moat outside the city, and then said softly: "Miss Huo Shu, I'm leaving."

    Huo Shu suddenly She raised her head, "What did you say?"

    She looked flustered, somewhat out of control.

    Even if she didn't come to see her, as long as she thought about the two of them living in the same city, her heart would be at peace.

    But now...

    Huo Shu clenched his hands and stared at her closely, as if he wanted to detect whether she was lying from her expression.

    Su Yu chuckled in her heart.

    Is the little girl finally willing to panic?

    There was no expression on her face, and she hummed lightly, "Mom said, staying in Jinling for a long time is meaningless, let me go out for a while while I am young." "What about you?"


    Shu turned his head and took a deep breath, "You What do you think?"

    "I have no one to rely on in Jinling, and I have nothing to worry about, the only one is Miss Huo Shu." "

    However, since Miss is estranged from me, Susu should not be mentioned."

    The girl owed He bowed and smiled softly, "Let's go and say goodbye. I probably won't have a chance to meet each other in this life. I hope the young lady will be safe in her life."

    Her brows and eyes are light, alienated and calm, just as dazzling and touching as the first time I saw her.

    Huo Shu couldn't help calling her, "Yuyu."


    She clenched her fingers tightly and exhaled under the weight of her heart: "I didn't alienate you."

    The girl was startled, looked up at her and smiled again, He hummed lightly.

    That appearance is very perfunctory.

    She chuckled and yawned, "It's getting late, Miss Huo Shu, come back."

    Then she turned around, and suddenly someone hugged her waist, and her trembling voice said, "I really don't hate you, don't get me wrong Yuyu."

    Su Yu hooked her lips and parted her hand, "I believe you." "

    Miss Huo Shu should come back."

    "Can you stop treating me like this?"

    Huo Shu hugged her tighter and tighter. , with a helpless tone, "Don't ignore me, don't treat me like this."

    She had never seen her like this before, she was polite and indifferent, but for no reason divided the two of them into a clear and distinct gulf.

    It's not big, but it's impossible for people to cross it.

    Su Yu lifted her lips.

    If this little girl can be ruthless and not look for her for a month, she can naturally do this.

    If she is not allowed to truly understand her feelings, she will never be able to take that step.

    She turned her head and asked suddenly: "Miss Huo Shu, do you like me?"

    Huo Shu's hands were a little stiff and he didn't say a word.

    The girl laughed out loud, indifferent, yet captivating, "As long as you say you like me, I will not leave Jinling."

    Huo Shu froze, and slowly let go of his hands.

    Su Yu raised her eyebrows slightly, nodded and smiled, "I think I understand what you mean."

    She left without any hesitation.

    Huo Shu stood where she was, watching her leaving back, and slowly squatted down on the ground, covering her mouth to prevent tears from falling to the ground.

    I like you Su Yu.

    These words can only be said to oneself, and can never be told to the second person.

    Such feelings cannot be tolerated in the world. In today's feudal society, how dare she confide those extravagant hopes?

    Once it is poured out, she will kill her.

    But... did he really watch her go?

    She stayed in Jinling for so long because she was going to leave her hometown.

    Huo Shu clenched his fists, and stayed by the moat for a long time alone before turning around and going home.

    "Father, I'm going to study abroad."

    At the dinner table, Huo Shu made this request to Father Huo.

    Huo's father was nearly fifty years old, and he was wearing a red Tang suit. He was not angry and majestic. This was the temperament brought about by being in a high position for a long time.

    "Why did you go again?"

    He asked in a deep voice, "Didn't you just come back from abroad?" "

    The knowledge I learned before is somewhat useless in today's society. I want to study medicine abroad."

    "Study medicine?"

    Father Huo After pondering for a while, he said: "It's okay, there are not many days in peace, but I don't feel relieved if you go alone, let your brother accompany you." Huo Cheng was stunned for a moment, but saw the younger sister on the side

    whispering Without saying a word, she just nodded, "Okay."

    Huo Shu packed quickly, and she packed her luggage in a short time. Before she left, she lay down in front of the window and wrote a long letter to Su Yu.

    She hopes that her next life will be good, even without her, she can live a colorful life.

    It was three days after Huo Shu left that Su Yu received Huo Shu's letter.

    The letter was very long, and most of it was admonishing to put it down. Su Yu looked very impatient, but thinking that it was rare for the little girl to write her a letter, she read it seriously.

    Seeing the end, she paused and couldn't help but curl her lips.

    This little girl, do you really think she can't understand English?

    At the end, a string of "I love you" in English is very beautifully outlined.

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