Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


    Su Yu became conscious.

    There was a lot of noise in my ears, and I couldn't hear it clearly. I could vaguely hear extremely painful crying, which seemed to be suppressed, overflowing from my throat bit by bit.

    Su Yu frowned, her heart throbbing inexplicably.

    "Hammer, what's the situation now?"

    [After you fell into a coma, the police arrived, Cheng Chen was arrested for intentional wounding, and you were sent to the hospital. After one day of emergency treatment, the doctor issued a critical illness notice . 】

    【Ling Qingqing followed your instructions to expose Cheng Chen's criminal evidence in one fell swoop. The whole country was shocked, and the police are collecting evidence to convict him. ]

    [Congratulations to your host, you have successfully exposed the true face of Cheng Chen, a scumbag, and saved women in this world from being harmed. ]

    [This task is completed, the task completion rate is sss! Would you like to enter the next world? 】

    The tone is straight and straight, without any ups and downs.

    Su Yu twitched the corners of her lips, recalled the cry just now, and asked, "Who is crying?"

    [Huo Shu. 】

    She was startled, her expression was a little dazed, and she suddenly remembered the first time they met.

    The little girl was in the corner, with light eyebrows and eyes, timid and alluring, like a crabapple flower wet by rain.

    Since then, the little girl has stalked her.

    After all, she was too despicable, and she appeared in front of her when she needed help the most.

    Su Yu laughed at herself.

    [Since the host was admitted to the hospital, Huo Shu has been crying until now, no accident, if this continues, she will go blind due to excessive sadness. 】

    Su Yu pursed her lips, and said in a low voice, "Tie Hammer, can I have a chat with her?"

    【Of course. 】

    Tie Hammer answered quickly, it was rare for him to be so neat.

    Su Yu let out a breath, turned her consciousness, and returned to this body in an instant. She moved slightly, and the pain was excruciating.

    "Huo Shu."

    His voice was low and hoarse, with a bit of dryness that hadn't been wet for a long time.

    The little girl raised her head abruptly, and grabbed her hand tightly, "Sister Su Yu..."


    Su Yu responded, propping herself up and stroking her face, "Don't cry."

    The little girl was born thin, these few days Tian didn't seem to eat much, and cried hard, her beautiful eyes were red and swollen, which made people feel distressed to death.

    Huo Shu bit his lip and responded, hot tears rolled down his cheeks.

    "Sister Su Yu, you won't die, right?"

    Huo Shu pressed his face to her palm and asked almost beggingly.

    The tone was timid, as if afraid of hearing something unacceptable.

    "Silly girl..."

    Su Yu rubbed her face and coughed lightly. Her usually pretty face was bloodless, but it still didn't take away half of her color.

    "You clearly know the result, why don't you want to believe it?"

    Huo Shu shook his head, tears fell, his body trembling uncontrollably, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, no, sister Su Yu, you won't die, definitely not. "


    Su Yu stroked her face, "Don't cry, I don't like disobedient children."

    Huo Shu clenched his lips and clenched his fists tightly.

    After a while, she sniffed her nose and tried to smile, "I won't cry, I will listen to Sister Su Yu and be an obedient child."

    Su Yun hummed, and said carefully: "After I leave, you take good care of me alone. Myself, don't cry every now

    and then." The tears that Huo Shu had just held back fell down again, dripping on the back of her hand.

    It's scorching hot and can burn people's hearts.

    Sister Su Yu never knew that she was not a crybaby at all.

    It's just that when it comes to her, she will inevitably become cautious, for fear that something will make her dislike it.

    She likes well-behaved and simple people, so she will be a pitiful little white rabbit.

    "Look... I'm crying again."

    Su Yu smiled and coughed again, touching the wound on her abdomen. She frowned and raised her hand to wipe away her tears, "Little crying bag." Huo Shu blushed slightly,

    sucking Sniffing, she raised her head and asked, "Sister Su Yu, do you think people have a next life?"

    Su Yu nodded, and answered firmly, "Yes."

    "Then... in the next life, will you like me?"

    The little girl looked at her with red eyes, Eyes full of anticipation and care.

    Su Yu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and said softly: "In the next life, if we can meet again, I will definitely chase you first."

    The little girl burst into tears and laughed, and held her hand tightly, "Sister Su Yu, you said this Don’t go back on your word.”

    Su Yu smiled lightly, her eyebrows were curved, and she was very gorgeous, “Well, don’t go back on your word.”

    Huo Shu suddenly thought of a question, tears streaming down his eyes, and asked in a panic: “Sister Su Yu, if you meet me in the next life What if you don’t know me anymore?”

    The more the little girl thought about it, the more frightened she became, crying out of breath, “If…if I drank Mengpo soup, I wouldn’t remember you, and we won’t know each other in the next life It's gone."

    "Sister Su Yu, I don't want this, I don't want you not to remember me."

    Her voice was trembling, with a hint of helplessness.

    Su Yu stroked her face, raised her hand, "Come here."

    Huo Shuhong approached her with eyes, "Sister Su Yu..."

    Su Yu smiled lightly, raised her head and kissed her gently on her neck.

    "I heard that the kiss before death will be branded into traces, so that I can find you in the next life."



    "Sister Su Yu, then you must come to me." "


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