Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

    Su Yu was startled, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

    The little girl lowered her head, her slender white hands twisted together uneasily, a little shy, "Su Yu, I... Is there something wrong with me?"

    She shook her head holding back a smile, "No..."

    Huo Shu looked like Just white and soft, after turning into a vampire, there is not much difference from before.

    The only difference is that there are a pair of fangs between the lips and teeth.

    But those fangs were white and tender, like baby teeth that had just been born. Not only did they not have any threatening power, but they were so cute that they melted people's hearts.

    "Tell me..."

    Huo Shu became more and more embarrassed, her face flushed.

    Su Yu raised her hand and handed over a mirror, pointing to her small fangs, "Here..."

    She poked it, a little disappointed, "Why... so small?"

    The fangs of other vampires seemed sharp and long, but only She's the only one...

    the new vampire is also a vampire, why do she look down on people so much.

    "I probably want to understand the reason."

    Su Yu looked her up and explained: "You are too young, and you are equivalent to a little baby in the entire blood race." "

    Well... no, the little baby should be younger than you." A little older, you should be regarded as a newborn little blood."

    Huo Shu said, holding his face and looking in the mirror, a little melancholy, "Then will I grow up in the future?"

    Su Yu nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

    After saying a word, the little girl immediately opened her eyes and smiled, and threw herself into her arms to act like a spoiled child, "Su Yu, I can be with you from now on." "


    "Always by your side forever."

    Su Yu was startled, squeezed The tip of her nose held her in his arms, "Okay."

    After playing around for a while, Huo Shu got up from her arms and asked in a low voice, "Can I go back tomorrow?"

    Su Yu rubbed her long hair and turned her head, "Huh?"

    "I want to talk to my uncle I want to go out."

    She bit her lip and said in a low voice: "If I don't see you for a long time, uncle will definitely worry about me, so...I want to explain to him." "Tell him that

    I am studying outside now, He can't go back in time, so he won't be too..."

    Su Yu interrupted her, "Do as you say."

    Huo Shu was stunned, and looked up at her, "You mean..."

    "You and I Let’s go back together.”


    “I’m worried about you being alone.”

    Su Yu patted her forehead and smiled lowly, “A little blood race that has just been born swaggers in a human city, do you want to be captured? Huo

    Shu rubbing his forehead, he couldn't believe it, "Is it so serious?" "There

    are too many fights between humans and vampires, either you die or I live, this is the rule set by the natural biological chain , even I’m not qualified to care about it.”

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