Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    Her slender eyebrows were raised lightly, with a somewhat seductive color on them.

    Huo Shu clutched the corner of his clothes nervously, and retorted weakly with a blushing face, "No...don't     !

    "     Her body suddenly hung in the air, causing Huo Shu to exclaim, and subconsciously wrapped her arms around her neck.     Su Yu paused slightly, then looked down at her.     The little girl closed her eyes in embarrassment, her fair little face was slightly pink, and she hesitated to speak, so seductive.     Su Yu chuckled, slowly put her on the bed, bent down, lowered her body and asked, "Do you still dare?" The     scorching breath sprayed on his neck, Huo Shu trembled all over, and the tips of his ears turned red.     "I...I..."     She clutched the corner of her clothes shyly, her voice timid.     Su Yu smiled and got up quickly.     Huo Shu's slender fingers were twisted together, her little face turned red.     If... If sister Su Yu wants it, should she refuse?     Should not!     How could she have the courage to refuse?     Thinking of this, the little girl felt ashamed again.     For a long time, there was no movement.     Huo Shu was a little puzzled.     Why doesn't Sister Su Yu kiss her?     She was a little impatient, and quietly opened her eyes.     In front of my eyes, there was no one there.     Huo Shu blushed suddenly, and then an inexplicable grievance welled up in her heart, and tears fell down.     "Liar again! Promise me that you won't leave, big liar, heartless girl!"     She clenched her lips tightly, and a thin choked sob overflowed from her throat, which could make people feel distressed to death.

    "Who recruited you again?"

    A slightly helpless voice sounded.

    "Sister Su Yu?"

    Huo Shu sobbed and raised his head, looked at her, sniffed and asked, "You... haven't left?"

    Su Yu came out of the bathroom, holding a towel in her hand, "No."

    "I... I thought You're gone."

    The little girl said, tears fell again, her face was pear-blossoming and rainy, pitiful.

    Su Yu wiped away her tears, and pinched the tip of her nose angrily, "Little crying bag, so big and still loves to cry, won't it grow up?


    "Okay, don't cry, I'll go take a shower."

    "Sister Su Yu..."

    Her slender hands grabbed her arm.

    Su Yu turned her head and raised her eyebrows, "Huh?"

    The little girl blushed and clenched the corners of her clothes tightly, as if she had made up her mind, she suddenly raised her head, her voice trembling, "I like you!"

    Su Yu body I froze, a little stunned.

    "I like you!"

    Huo Shu repeated again, with a firm tone.

    Su Yu: ...

    She rubbed the center of her brows, and shouted in her heart, "Iron Hammer, Iron Hammer, come out!"

    "Something has happened! Huo Shu's sexual orientation has changed, you should quickly think about what to do."

    [System I'm making a picture, please come back later! ]

    Su Yu:?

    "Hammer, hammer, don't make fun of me, come out!"

    [The system is showing pictures, please come back later! 】

    Su Yu: ...

    Is this an automatic reply?

    She was a little irritable, scratched her hair, threw the towel casually, and sat down on the sofa, "Seriously?"

    Huo Shu clenched her lips and hummed heavily.

    Su Yu pressed the center of her eyebrows, "I don't like you."

    "I know."

    The little girl thought for a while, and then retorted in a low voice, "You will like me in the future."

    Su Yu: ...

    You are quite confident?

    She sighed and glanced at the little girl's fiery eyes, feeling a little headache.

    Should have thought of it earlier!

    She said, how could Huo Shu be so clingy, it turned out to be like this.

    No wonder, that day Ling Qingqing said that she was inconsistent with her appearance, she didn't care at the time, but now she is very annoyed.

    That's what it means!

    This little girl is really greedy.

    She saved her, and she wanted her in turn?

    "Sister Su Yu."

    Huo Shu sat across from her and clenched his hands uneasily, " you agree?"

    Su Yu sighed and looked at Huo Shu seriously, "It's impossible for the two of us, be good. "

    The little girl bit her lip and remained silent, feeling unreasonably stubborn.

    Su Yu had a splitting headache, and wanted to kill Tie Hammer.

    It didn't even say that this would happen after Huo Shu was saved.

    But, thinking of The little girl's pitiful face.

    Su Yu sighed.

    If she did it all over again, she thought she would still save her.

    "Sister Su Yu, do you want to think about it. Huo

    Shu bit his lip and said in a low voice: "I... I am better than Cheng Chen, and... I like you more than him. He is just greedy for your beauty!" "

    Su Yu glanced at her, "Aren't you?"

    Huo Shu's face flushed, "I...I...Of course I'm not."

    At the end of the sentence, her voice weakened and became inaudible.

    Su Yu rested her chin, pondered for a while and said, "Huo Shu, how about this, let's calm down first, and don't see anyone." "Maybe after a few days,

    you will find that you don't like me, but just for a while." The illusion."

    After she finished speaking, she got up and walked out, "Think about it alone."


    Huo Shu didn't even think about it, and hugged her waist from behind, with a trembling voice, "Sister Su Yu, what are you doing?" Don't go."

    Su Yu sighed helplessly, and broke away her hand, "Huo Shu, you have to calm down." "

    I don't want it."

    The little girl hugged her tighter, and asked aggrievedly, "Are you You left because I like you?"

    "Then...then I don't like you, so don't leave, okay?"

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