Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    Su Yu was slightly taken aback.

    Isn't this... Ren Qianxia's home?

    She lowered her head and compared the addresses Ling Qingqing gave.

    That's right.

    With confusion in her eyes, she knocked on the door, "Hello, auntie, I'm Qianxia's friend." Inside the

    door, a middle-aged man's irritable voice suddenly sounded, "What Qianxia? We don't know each other! Hurry up!

    " Urgent, as if hiding something.

    Some deliberate!

    Su Yu pursed her lips and knocked on the door again, "Auntie, I am more patient than I am. If you don't open the door, I'll just keep knocking." She paused and laughed,

    " Anyway...I'm not tired if I use my mobile phone, right?"

    The room was quiet.

    Su Yu didn't care, and knocked on the door again.

    In the stairway, there was a burst of low cursing sounded one after another.

    "Which family is this? No one is leaving?"

    "It seems to be the movement of Lao Ren's house. Are you at home, Lao     Ren     ?

    " "What do you want?"     "I'm Qian Xia's friend."     Su Yu pursed her lips and said softly, "Today, I came to see you for her."     Mother Ren was stunned.     But after a while, she blocked the door again and sighed, "Girl, I don't know who Qianxia you are talking about. You have found the wrong person."     Su Yu bent her eyes and asked with a smile, "Auntie, I'm not very sure." Are you sure you can find someone?"     "You..."

    "Xiufang, let her in."

    Inside the room, Father Ren sighed.

    Mother Ren was stunned for a while, then turned around and entered the room.

    Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed.

    The living room is not big, and it is full of sundries everywhere, making the space more and more cramped and cramped. The walls must be old and slightly yellowed, showing the traces of time.

    A middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa, looking in his early forties and fifties, with dark skin and smoking a cigarette with his head down.

    "Girl, tell me, why are you looking for us?"

    Su Yu regained her senses, looking at the other party's distressed face, she was speechless for a while.

    Originally, she wanted them to stand up and speak out, so as to ruin Cheng Chen's reputation.

    But now, these words seem to weigh a thousand catties.

    Ren Qianxia passed away, and the two old people did not live as they wished.

    Su Yu pursed her lips, and sat down on the sofa, "Believe it or not, I really came to see you for Qian Xia." Maybe it was

    her expression that was too serious, and the two old men stared at her a few times , seems to believe.

    "Girl, I was really embarrassed to let you see a joke just now."

    Father Ren's face softened a little, and he was a little embarrassed, "We were also forced to do nothing, don't mind."

    Su Yu shook her head, keenly aware of his tone. have no choice.


    She frowned and said softly: "Uncle, Qianxia and I are also friends, if you have anything to do, feel free to call me." "

    My surname is Su, you can call me Xiao Su."

    Father Ren smiled, but he didn't mind. Concerned, she turned her head and told, "Xiufang, go cook some good food tonight and treat Xiao Su."

    Mother Ren hummed.

    Su Yu got up quickly, "Auntie doesn't need it, I'll just sit for a while and leave."

    "It's already here, why are you polite!"

    Mother Ren pushed her back on the sofa, and before she could react, she went out with her bag on her shoulders.

    Su Yu looked slightly startled.

    Ren Qianxia's parents are not bad, and her character is not bad, but why did she fall in love with Cheng Chen.

    She sighed, and chatted with Ren's father casually.

    At six o'clock in the evening, the food was served on the table, and after a few glasses of wine, Ren's father was also a little drunk, and his speech was a little awkward.

    "Xiao Su! You are... Hiccup, you are the first person to visit us after Qianxia's accident." "

    Uncle is grateful to you from the bottom of my heart. In this world, there are still... people who remember Qianxia."

    A man in his early forties and fifties said with red eye circles, choked up and said, "Tell me, why is this silly boy so obsessed with thinking about it?"

    Ren's mother trembled while serving the dishes, her voice trembled, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Sir Mention that rebellious girl!"

    "Xiufang! No matter how angry you are,...Qianxia is also our daughter!"

    Ren's father patted the table, lit a cigarette with red eyes, "If you talk about this, you can blame her! The entertainment circle The water is so muddy, she is a girl, what can I do?"


    Mother Ren trembled and fell on the table, beating her chest in pain, "Tell me, why did we give birth to such an unfilial daughter? At such a young age, let us white-haired people send black-haired people!"

    "She...she still owes some usury, this...this is going to force our family to die." "

    Qianqiu is such a young child, She was forced to hide in hiding by this rebellious girl, could she be worthy of her sister."

    Su Yu froze in place, not knowing how to comfort them.


    The door was opened from the outside.

    A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl came in from the outside and said while changing her shoes, "Mom and Dad, I'll be back..."

    Before she finished speaking, her expression changed, "Su Yu, what are you doing at my house?"

    Su Yu's eyelids slightly Lifting up, he took a look at the girl, "You know me?"

    Ren Qianqiu pointed at the door with a cold face and said angrily, "Get out, you are not welcome here!"

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