Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    Huo Shu was stunned.

    Sister Su Yu... angry?

    should be!

    It's all her fault, she shouldn't have blurted out without thinking.

    That sentence must have hurt her.

    Huo Shu pursed his lips, grabbed his clothes and chased outside.

    The elevator descends slowly.

    It was around twelve o'clock at night, and the corridor was completely empty, with no one in sight.

    I can't catch up!

    Realizing this, Huo Shu squatted down in a daze, his face was buried in his legs, and the circles of his eyes were slightly red.

    She seemed to have really pissed off Sister Su Yu?

    What she said just now seemed to be still echoing in her mind.

    His tone was indifferent and alienated, and suddenly, he seemed to return to the appearance he didn't know at the beginning.

    Huo Shu clenched his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable.

    She is a naturally insecure person and has always been extremely dependent on others.

    Sister Su Yu saved her, she has always regarded her very seriously, but... But why did the two of them suddenly come to this point?


    A tear fell on the screen of the phone.

    Huo Shu bit his lips until his eyes turned white, tears blurred his vision.

    She sniffed, clicked on the address book, found Su Yu's number, and dialed it.

    She wanted to explain to Sister Su Yu.

    She... She didn't think she was a hooligan, she just didn't wake up and talk nonsense, that's right.

    Huo Shu wiped away his tears, holding the phone anxiously.

    Beep beep...

    After a long time, there was a crisp female voice.

    "Sorry, the number you dialed is busy, please call later!"

    Huo Shu was stunned.

    Sister Su Yu didn't even answer the phone?


    the more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved, tears streaming down her face, she turned and ran back to the room, closed the door with a bang, threw herself on the bed and burst into tears.     Su Yu stopped a taxi

    outside the hotel , gave the address, and sat in the back seat to rest.     "Tie Hammer, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I'll...I'll tear you down!" "Do     you know that if I ran out suddenly at such a critical moment, I would be considered a guilty conscience!" "     Ahhhhhhhhh I'm so mad, Huo Shu absolutely thinks I'm a pervert."     [What are you panicking about? Not a big problem! 】    【Cheng Chen's ex-girlfriend is about to commit suicide, I just ask you to stop her. ]     [Host, you have to remember that our mission is to punish evil and promote good, not to talk about love! 】    Su Yu was taken aback, and didn't pay attention to correcting her for a moment, "Ex-girlfriend? Since when did Cheng Chen have an ex-girlfriend? Isn't he emotionally blank in the plot setting of the original book?" [Host, do you remember the character Ling Qingqing     ? 】    Ling Qingqing?     Of course, Su Yu is no stranger to this. This is a passer-by female supporting role in the original book. It is said that she was also a very popular actress at first, but for some unknown reason, a pornographic video was circulated, and she became a blackmailer in one fell swoop. Later, she committed suicide at home due to depression.     The reason she remembered it was because the author had written a lot about this character, and then because of her suicide, the entertainment circle was in turmoil.     It was a pity for the directors, and the filming of "The World of Han Palace" was also stopped.     When she was reading the novel, she thought the plot was ridiculous, so she remembered such a person.

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