Chapter 115

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Chapter 115


    Su Yu dragged out her tone, and her tone was a little loose. She tilted her head to look at Huo Shu and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. After all, she was just a soft-hearted girl.

    A few days ago, he said that she would be the only one in the future, but now he brought the mother and daughter to Fusheng Mountain for some reason.

    She chuckled softly from the bottom of her heart, looked up at the girl with a harmless smile, "Hello Shuangshuang, my name is Su Yu, and we will be friends from now on." "Who wants to be with


    The girl looked annoyed, Before she could finish speaking, she was covered by the beautiful woman in blue Taoist robe, "This child has always been spoiled by me, and now he is talking nonsense again..."

    She smiled lovingly and said, "Fusheng, the child you said It must be her, but she is really beautiful, no wonder even you look at her differently." "

    Shuangshuang seems to be of the same age as her, so it would be great to exchange and study together."

    She knows that Immortal Fusheng always likes to be clean and doesn't like to make noise , even if I wait for a group of friends to come to Fusheng Mountain to play for a few days, it is difficult to live permanently.

    Now it's just teaching a little girl, if she can live in Fusheng Mountain for a while, maybe Shuangshuang is lucky enough to have her as her teacher.

    Her thoughts were active, her beautiful eyes rolled, and she even looked at Su Yu with a gentle look.

    "Mother, I don't want it!"

    The girl broke free from the arms of the beautiful woman in green robe, her small face raised, a little arrogant, "She is just a girl in the mountains, how can she deserve to practice with me?"

    Su Yu blinked, He bit his lip and bowed his head.

    Tsk, this girl is too spoiled to think about it, and she blurts out anything without going through her brain.

    She also didn't think about it, is Fusheng Mountain a place where she can be unrestrained?

    Huo Shu's face darkened slightly, and his eyes became cold.

    She and her friend, the little girl, have known each other not long ago, but she has always been well-behaved. She didn't expect to see Su Yu, and she was so displeased. If Su Yu was really allowed to practice with City Lord Yu, I'm afraid she would suffer a lot of grievances.

    She was also to blame, for a young lady raised by such a big sect would naturally be full of arrogance, but she didn't think much about it.

    Thinking of this, she looked at Su Yu with guilt in her eyes.

    "Fellow Daoist Yu, after thinking about it, I'd better let this matter go. If the two children don't get along, I'm afraid there will be troubles in the future." After saying this, City Lord Yu also

    responded Come over, his face changed immediately, and he patted the girl's head, "Quickly apologize to Su Yu, you girl, I taught you the

    etiquette , you have forgotten somewhere." The appearance of a half-knowledge.

    City Lord Yu naturally knew his daughter's virtues. While reprimanding her, he looked up at Huo Shu and squeezed out a smile, "Fusheng, Shuangshuang is young and doesn't care about worldly affairs. I will apologize to you for her rudeness."

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