Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

    Feng Gong waved his hand and sat in the main seat, his face was very gloomy.

    Beside him, the woman sat quietly, sipping the wine carefully, with a calm expression.

    But he knew that everything had changed.

    In the past, Su Yu would think of him, even if he was indifferent to her in the palace, outside, she would pretend that the two of them were playing harmoniously.

    But now...

    she came here majestically by herself, obviously to tell everyone that they are not compatible!

    He has only sat on the throne not long ago, and he needs the support of Prime Minister Su and the others.

    If she knew that her only daughter had been wronged in this way, she might quit immediately.

    He believed that Su Yu loved him, no matter how he treated her, that woman would always be obedient.

    But now...

    he clenched his fists, and asked in a low voice: "Su Yu, what do you want me to do!"

    Su Yu was slightly stunned, turned her head to look at him, a little unclear about the situation, "Your Majesty, what do you mean by that?"

    Out of your mind?

    Feng Gong's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth, "What exactly do you want me to do, so that you can change your attitude towards me!"

    He admitted that he was not used to it.

    For a long time, I enjoyed her goodness with peace of mind, and didn't feel anything wrong.

    The sudden indifference made him unable to accept it at all.

    Su Yu was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "Your Majesty, did you get your head caught

    when you went out today?" "

    You started talking nonsense before drinking?" In front of him, he didn't even look at it. Now, who will show this sincere repentance?

    She is not the original owner, and she has no patience with him.


    Feng Gong's face sank, if he hadn't been concerned about the presence of so many officials, he would have exploded long ago.

    "Su Yu, I dote on you, but don't take my doting as your wanton capital!" "I

    can dote on you, and naturally I can take it back easily."

    "Your Majesty, wake up!"

    Su Yu rubbed her head in pain. Rubbing between his eyebrows, he didn't know which concubine Mary Su's lines were spoken to. Because of the change of the plot, all these lines were changed to her.

    My head hurts!

    She glanced at Huo Shu who was looking here, and quickly said: "When did you ever spoil me? You can't talk nonsense about some things, so as not to be misunderstood." If you let the little girl know, what if you misunderstand



    "Who's afraid of misunderstanding?"

    Feng Gong was stunned for a moment, glanced at the seats, and fixed his eyes on Chen Beiji who didn't hide his gaze.

    He looked hot and infatuated, and he was no stranger to that kind of look, it was clearly looking at the woman he admired.

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