Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    "Let's just say it first, money...I won't lend you."

    Su Yu cleared her throat and said clearly.

    Ren Qianqiu's expression was slightly gloomy, but she soon cheered up again, she is not a greedy person.

    Fifteen million!

    This amount is too huge, even for a small flower like Su Yu, it is difficult to get it out for a while.

    What's more, they are neither relatives nor relatives.

    It is love to help her, and it is duty not to help her.

    Ren Qianqiu saw this point very clearly.


    Su Yu paused for a moment, and looked at her with her head propped up with a smile, "I can help you look into this.

    " Forget it, if it's the latter, then this matter is more or less interesting.

    Once they fall, Cheng Chen, the black hand behind the scenes, will inevitably be implicated.

    #三金影帝Set Usury to Lie Huge Money#

    Well, this hot search name is not bad.

    Ren Qianqiu's eyes lit up, unexpectedly turning around, she nodded repeatedly, "Thank you, thank     you     !

    " She clenched her hands tightly, feeling a little anxious, "You... need me to do something."     The girl's face was slightly pale, as if frightened.     Su Yu suddenly approached, and lowered her smile, "Little guy, what are you afraid of?"     Her voice was hoarse and full of temptation.     She smiled wantonly, her narrow and beautiful eyebrows were raised, her red lips were bright, and her amorous look at that moment could win people's hearts.     Ren Qianqiu was sure.     Yes, what is she afraid of?

    She has nothing now, so what is there to be afraid of?

    "Little guy, this world is more realistic than you imagined. There is no hatred for no reason, and no love for no reason."

    Su Yu paused, her voice was flat, "Similarly, there is no such thing as no reason."

    "I'm helping you, not because I sympathize with you, but because you have something I want."

    "I know."

    Ren Qianqiu nodded, showing a rare smile, "If you need me to do anything, just ask."

    Since the death of her sister, the family has plummeted. In an instant, she has changed from a young lady to an existence that others cannot avoid, and she has tasted the warmth and coldness of the world.

    She doesn't have the ability yet, so it's best for her to use this way of getting what she needs.

    "I want you to stand up and discredit Cheng Chen."

    Su Yu chuckled and said casually: "In a few days, there will be scandals about Cheng Chen, and then all you need to do is to come out and pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic." "

    Ren Qianqiu looked at her, hesitated for a long time, and then asked in a low voice: "Well... aren't you his girlfriend, why did you..." "

    I admitted it?"

    "It doesn't seem to be..."

    "Then it's over?"

    Su Yu raised her eyebrows, played with her nails halfway, and smiled convincingly, "By the way, a friendly reminder, this time, if you can't kill Cheng Chen, next time, he will kill your family!"

    Ren Qianqiu froze.

    "Believe it or not, if you want to pull him off the horse, if he can let you go, he won't be Cheng Chen."

    Su Yu got up, walked towards the bathroom, stretched her waist, "I'm sleepy, these days, you just stay here I will send someone to take care of me here and your father's side, don't worry."

    Ren Qianqiu sighed, looking at her back, she was speechless for a while.

    Is Su Yu a good person?

    Yes and no!

    Compared with a good person, she is more like an evil ghost, who will lure people to commit crimes.

    Ren Qianqiu was startled, then laughed at himself.

    In her current situation, even if Su Yu is really a ghost crawling out of hell, she still dares to make a deal with her!

    There is no way out!

    At one o'clock at night, due to the continuous rain, the sky was more gloomy than usual, as if covered with a layer of cloth.


    The harsh phone rang.

    Su Yu's sleep was never too deep, and she woke up after only one moment.

    She fumbled for the phone, turned on the light and sat up. On the screen, the three big characters Ling Qing were very clear and eye-catching.

    Su Yu regained her spirits for a moment.

    Ling Qingqing?

    She pressed the connection button, "Hey..."

    On the other end, the woman's tone was calm, without any fluctuation, "Cheng Chen wants my life!"

    Su Yu was slightly startled, but after a moment she chuckled: "It's expected."

    Ling Qingqing's tone In a daze, with a bit of a sense, "In his eyes, is love really less important than his future?"

    Su Yu tilted her head and thought for a while, then said directly: "No, maybe it's just not enough love."

    In the original book, Cheng Of course it is very possible that Chen loves Huo Shu'ai from death to life, and it is also due to the halo of the heroine Mary Su.

    Ling Qingqing: ...

    After a moment of silence, she whispered, "In my phone, there are some intimate photos of me and Cheng Chen."

    Su Yu raised her eyebrows.

    Ling Qingqing didn't mention this point last time, it seems that she is still a little wary of her.

    But now...

    She hooked her lips and smiled silently.

    Cheng Chen successfully pushed Ling Qingqing to her.

    "I endured it for so long, and what I got was that he wanted my life."

    Ling Qingqing said in a calm voice, "This time, I don't want to bear it anymore     .


Don't even think about living happily!"

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